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Mamba last won the day on March 10

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  1. He came on after football season was over , he was a played big part too , sharing his experience as part of a championship team !!!!!
  2. I agree (btw congrats to the young fella he worked for that ) but some do way too much and the sneak dissing gotta stop that’s all I’m saying !!
  3. Community doesn’t rock with WB like they did United for whatever reason are unknown to me . They were planning United’s before they won lol. Now it’s a bunch of feet dragging with WB . But you can head over to pour09 tonight 5-7 and check out the champs!!!!!!
  4. Ok Stephen A No Smith , riding his jock strap man that’s so corny but what do you expect coming from you , and WE both know I don’t need the screen 😉 so make sure you keep that same energy when and if you see me tough guy lol( no malice involved only conversation because we’re grown men) . Now find you something safe to do like play in the sand box with the little kids . It’s real sharks in these waters !!!!!!
  5. And this is the bs I talk about , this is why no one actually likes or even listens to you . You have zero credibility when it comes to actually knowing and understanding the pulse of these kids or coaches . Save them congratulations NO SQUARES IN OUR CIRCLE 🤡 !!!!
  6. The city should have the same feeling it had when United won , but it definitely doesn’t and that’s a whole other story
  7. Now we can put this #badhire talk to rest !!!!! Shoutout to my guy Mike T and staff and a hugeeeee shoutout to those kids who believed in the vision . Championship mentality!!!
  8. That stuff is political the real coaches know who he is !!!
  9. They were still a really good team no matter what region they played . They could’ve won that game just as much as WB so respect to them and Billy White who had a difficult 27 . But pressure burst pipes and when #12 sent that message that they were gonna end WB season it added fuel
  10. Let’s talk about the most impressive part of this game West Brook held them 30 points under their average. That was masterpiece on the defensive end , being physical yet smart
  11. Not true GASO has him #10 in the state of Texas in the 2026 class .
  12. WB came out tonight and punched them repeatedly in the mouth so much so #4 and #12 were crying to the refs . #12 gave them fuel by saying they were going to end their season , I guess WB didn’t get that memo !!!!
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