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Everything posted by rolltides

  1. [Hidden Content] It looks like Obama is not honoring his promise of getting the US out of the Middle East once again.
  2. This really started when Obama stated that infamous red line against Bashar Al-Assad and which made the extremists flourish.
  3. That was the biggest embarassing lost for Lamar. They should have forfeited and save the embarssment on National Tv.
  4. ISIS has got to be laughing at America and how stupid they are for electing Obama.
  5. America is a joke while yall bicker amongst yourselves your enemies will be plotting and laughing at you idiots.
  6. We will be a third world nation before too long.
  7. Wow tax the rich that is why they are flooding out of America.
  8. President Obama is seeking to have 9,800 troops in Afghanistan past this year. [Hidden Content]  
  9. It is failure of leadership and you don't see dictators giving up there spies like we do.
  10. I knew it was coming this is what America for electing a imbecile as a president. Obama has managed to basically push the 2nd and 3rd most powerful countries together and they will bring along Iran, North Korea, and India along with them.
  11. Hey big girl at least Bush got results unlike Obama who is a clown and stupid and people that support him in denial.
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. I don't care if I am called racist but it is the truth.
  14. I actually think Putin is a good leader unlike the clown and inept fool that America elected Putin gets results.
  15. It looks like the United States is trying to start war with China by filing charges against 5 military officials for hacking.
  16. I would say that Putin is actually a better leader at least he has his country interest at heart unlike the clown we have in office. Americans ought to be ashamed of themselves for the last decade this country has turned into a joke and no one fears us or respects. Heck I don't even respect what we are doing. Americans better wake up quick and get there head out of the sand and look around you. Also the world sees a country that is so divided it is unreal.
  17. No he is not pulling them back he is playing Obama for a fool that he is.
  18. Wait till Obamacare hits the businesses like the employer mandate you will really see unemployment get even worse that what it is now.
  19. America is a joke and will never survive anymore. Putin controls the whole world just face it.
  20. Sooner or later everyone will be on welfare the way America is going. America is turning into a joke and the whole is laughing at how we are destroying this country. They always said no one will invade America by force we will just destroy this country by itself.
  21. Right on folks we are a joke no one even fears us anymore. Watch for North Korea to get even more bolder, and Iran to ramp up production on that nuke.
  22. No one won't stop Putin and he knows it. Russia knows Obama does not have the stomach for war and Kerry is a joke. It is a sad time in this country that we are no longer feared. If we don't stand up now we can forget it enemies like China, North Korea, and Iran will get even more bolder. That will spell disaster for this country. So I hope people in this country wake up and realize that this is bad for America.
  23. [Hidden Content] It looks like the rats are jumping ship
  24. Hey does anyone in this community expect Russian troops to launch a full scale invasion of Ukraine.
  25. We have been trouble ever since he took office Iran will have a nuke and China will move in on the disputed islands since they know America response is weak.
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