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Posts posted by CougarCal

  1. Back when I was in high school in Virginia we had district tournaments at the end of season and that determined who went to the playoffs not the regular season. As for the college game, it sucks for those teams that go undefeated in the regular season and are clearly the best team in their conference and lose to a team that gets hot then they end up in the NIT or another lesser tourny.
  2. Conference tournament champions receive an automatic bid, that's why you see teams that are 10-19 in the tourny. Ivy league is the only conference to my knowledge the regular season champ gets the automatic bid. They have a one game playoff this year because of a tie. Some coaches like the conference tourny, some don't. Does get you in the win and keep playing mode. The cities that host make a lot of money and the TV dollars are huge.
  3. LeBron's been bullying other players without being called on it for several years now. I'm glad the Rockets showed that they weren't going to take that crap without fighting back. Should Harden have kicked him where he did? Probably not, but it sent a message regardless. So yeah, it was worth it.

    Kicking someone in the ding ding is bush league that's not standing up to anyone no matter who you are.
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