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Posts posted by HurricaneCal

  1. 10 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

    Wow I didn’t know it had been 60 years since Crosby went to the State Championship. I am kinda new to posting on this board but I’ve followed the board for many years. I was under the assumption that Crosby goes to the State Championship all the time by the way you talk about Crosby on this board. Lol Good Luck to the Cougars! 

    Recently they’ve been pretty good but matchups weren’t in their favor, some of those teams they matched up with are now 6A Div 1.  Now, I don’t think anyone matches up well with that Liberty Hill offense.  Next week will be a tall task.

  2. 5 minutes ago, rschuldt said:

    Never in a million years did this Dayton Bronco think he would be cheering on the Crosby Cougars, but WHAT. A. GAME. I walked from my classroom to the stadium and that was definitely worth not going home! Y'all have an amazingly loud fanbase! Did I mention loud? That's the loudest I've heard Abe Martin in the 4.5 years I've been in Lufkin. Anyways, what a heck of game, Crosby! Good luck next week as y'all play Liberty Hill! This Bronco-turned-Lufkin Panther will be rooting for y'all!

    That’s a great first post!!!!

  3. All the talk about the defense, you better not be one demential as in run a back that is supposed to eclipse 2,000 yards.  Only 90 something away and I’ll go out on a limb and say he came up short.  The long pass plays were prayers thrown by the QB and the WR made a badass play!  Congrats to all and I’ll say not many teams have 2 offensive starters and make it back to the final 4!!!   Go COOGS!!!!

  4. 19 minutes ago, Steven Avery said:

    Lol come on 5 turnovers and won by 3. Y’all are gonna miss the hell out of kirkwood..that catch like many plays he has made all season saved the game. 

    the ints were nothing special, the freshman qb got away with a bunch of prayers against BH. If they played again that wasn’t gonna happen regardless of who the opponent was.  That kid is gonna be good but he isn’t ready yet. 

    And don’t tell me about being up double digits with 5 minutes left..it’s irrelevant and Crosby was again one onside kick from possibly losing the game which was a much different story than the 28 Pt non competitive games most Crosby fans were predicting. 

    They miss the hell out of Dunn and Branch also, next year they’re going to lose more.  The pipeline is full though.  I’d rather be on the field  the onside kick to win than being on the need to recover it and then maybe score to tie or win.  

  5. 2 hours ago, aledoalumni said:

    Carthage always following in our footsteps lol. We win, they win. We lose. they lose. Cant get away from those guys. Not going to lie though, it feels like both 5AD2 and 4AD2 got much more exciting. Interested in how the rest of the tournament shakes out. 

    Both have been dominate for a long time, nobody started a thread saying Aledo would lose to SOC back in October.  This was a pretty impressive prediction in my opinion.

  6. Some observations from last night, the adjustment after the third qtr td running it up Crosby’s throat was they rolled the linebacker to be the 5th lineman and put Casey over the center.  That took the run away(finally), I just wish they would’ve done that a tad bit earlier. Personally I think the biggest coaches mistake last night was in the 3rd qtr when they were ripping off chunk plays in the run game and decided to try and throw it up top and it was picked off.  They had some confusion also with play calling a couple of times and wasted some time outs.  Next week Crosby is gonna need to play cleaner though.

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