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Everything posted by HurricaneCal

  1. Why throw the ball at all if you are A&M, that’s just dumb
  2. Be ready for that on side kick, you know it’s coming at some point!
  3. 15-15 I would say they got to quit getting beat outside or they might not stop em again.
  4. That young man is a fighter. This was great to watch, prayers for his continued recovery!
  5. They had more than normal, but not the late hit or “loose you cool” type.
  6. I feel like this guy is the difference. They hit the jackpot with what was happening at the time to get him, it was a program defining moment. I’ve watched the Crosby program from 2010 and I can say without a doubt this is the most disciplined team in the district. Yesterday I watched a punt where one of the Crosby players was blocking on a punt, to this whistle. The Marshall player took a little shot after the play, but the Crosby player just threw his hands up running back to sidelines. It hasn’t always been that way!
  7. #7 Montgomery lost to some local team with a small following of rowdy fans that planted for sale signs in the coaches yard a couple years back!
  8. FBM was pretty legit last year to almost pull it off as well. I’m watching football Friday on Bally right now. Can’t wait til they talk about this game tonight though! Woohoo!
  9. This may be one of BF best coaching jobs, can’t wait to see what game plan he has next week!
  10. Anyone heard or seen Stat???? Do we need to put out an APB
  11. Dang! Hopefully y’all can regroup and make it interesting after the half!
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