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Posts posted by HurricaneCal

  1. 17 minutes ago, Separation Scientist said:

    Just another lie emanating from Crosby. BH in Crosby's head, 24/7/365.


    A post from a BH fan on this page, Refs in BH mind 24/7/365:




    Watching on Texan live and these refs are a joke. BH clearly got the first down by a full yard and the refs marked him a yard short on 4th down . 

    everytime  BH gets a stop on a pass the refs wait 3 seconds after the play to throw a flag. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, Stattrax said:

    I’ll eat some crow. I didn’t see this happening. I watched a lot of film and those guys looked better than tonight. We caught a few breaks and kept our heads in the game. But I’ll eat my crow for sure. The running game opened up the passing game and we played pretty good football without a ton of errors…..

    But did you run a fake punt or recover an inside kick?

  3. 15 hours ago, Separation Scientist said:

    As far as BH possibly "making 3rd or 4th round" I don't know what that thought is based on. Once again, BH has yet to prove it can close out a game against a good opponent. Flukes can happen and poor teams can be encountered in the 2nd round, but especially in the 3rd round and on, you have nothing but good opponents left.

    BH first has to make the playoffs, and if they don't win this week vs. PNG its pretty much over for this year. After that, seeding matters. BH as a 4th seed won't last long at all. As I said earlier, BH has to focus on one game and one opponent at a time. Can't get too far ahead. Answers are about to come.     

    1 QTR at a time

  4. 2 minutes ago, BHFAN said:

    I haven’t seen PNG much this year except for the Ned game, but you can really use that game for intell. However I didn’t think they looked bad at all especially against that big O line Ned has. BH will have a similar O-line to deal and D-line , both get better each week. We opened some new wrinkles this week with a super sophomore. BH still has things to work out particularly on the mental side of the game to keep composure! If we can keep improving at the rate we are BH will be a tough out for most. Still we will not overlook the Indians at home. 

    Seriously, just ask Stattrax he’ll be honest.  On paper, BH should win this one big.  Just gotta stop that 1 fake punt and recover the onside kick that they will do to try and steal possessions. 

  5. 26 minutes ago, PirateNole984 said:

    Ever heard of the old saying "2 wrongs don't make a right" well that applies to this situation.  In a case like this, a good, creditable HC would call his players together and tell them not to get wrapped up in the antics of the other team.  He would also point out to the officiating crew that players are being hit after the whistle and those hits are starting to add up.  Also, the coach has the right to pull his players from the game if he believes that is an option. But never would a HC with tact and respect for the game think its ok to jump up and down on a teams logo at midfield. And the people that think that is acceptable behavior...well they are just as classless.  

    Why are you even on this thread, me personally I’m not worried about reputation until Crosby gets games canceled because of it!

  6. 3 hours ago, Eagle91 said:

    It’s pretty simple, the defensive side of the ball has been terrible. The only time they had a defense was BF’s first year. Before BF’s time here our defense’s were good but the offense wasn’t too great after Long left. The year’s we had those 3 QB’s our offense has been almost unstoppable. PNG puts out good QB’s on a yearly basis now. I’d say BF has been good for PNG!

    I remember that team, a good friend of mine son was on the O line that year.  The last few years they’ve had a ton of talent at the QB position.  Pretty impressive watching AMo, Roschon, and Bost this past weekend.  

  7. 8 hours ago, prepballfan said:

    Not sure how you measure success. Coach Faircloth coached teams have only missed the playoffs once. They have been to the second round of the playoffs 7 times, the third round of the playoffs 4 times. He has won 10 games 4 times. He has 94 wins at PNG and will tie Matt Burnett as the winningest coach in PNGs 96 year history with his next two wins. He has won 67% of his games at PNG. His teams hold nearly every QB record at PNG. Nearly every wr record at PNG. His teams have also produced the 2nd leading rusher career wise in our history. He also coached the second single season rusher in our history. Coach FC led teams has the 14th best defense in our history and. 5 of the top 35 defenses in our history. Yes this has not led us to a state title but Id say there are many schools out there who would lave to have these stats. 

    Honestly my answer to that is it very difficult to go far when you can’t stop teams defensively.  A shootout every week and all you need is one mistake.  Whether all the talent is on one side or you don’t have the personnel on that side of the ball or if it’s the scheme.  Offensively though they have been stellar.  I was wondering yesterday after RJ and Bost took snaps at UT and TAMU what high school could say that? To have their last two QB’s take snaps at those schools on the same day is pretty impressive.

  8. 1 hour ago, prepballfan said:

    Blake Bost got in for few snaps for the AGS Roschon had 3 rushes for 130 yards at the half and Adam Morse is leading one of the better small colleges in the nation. Congrats to these three young men. They are all quality young gentlemen. 

    Makes you wonder why they haven’t done better in the past how many years.  Where’s Stat at, maybe he can elaborate!

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