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Everything posted by HurricaneCal

  1. I was able to select 1,2,3, or 4. Didn’t need more than 4. $8 a piece.
  2. I could see his passion for the WR, but also in the build up for this ejection as well. It was like he got the first unsportsmanlike flag then outta nowhere got the second one. Eerily similar!
  3. I don’t normally brag about education, but here you go. According to Niche.com graduation rate: FBM 91% Crosby 89% reading proficient FBM 23% Crosby 40% math proficient FBM 35% Crosby 51% average Sat/PAT FBM 970/19 Crosby 1120/24
  4. Looks like it, but you gotta be perfect on offense and somehow get a stop.
  5. Was is just me or did anyone else notice how fast the kids carrying the flags for FBM got down the sideline?
  6. I don’t know how he did it, he didn’t move well in the 1st half then didn’t play much 3rd qtr and all of a sudden when they were down 2 scores and he moved in the pocket a little it changed everything. It opens everything up for Branch who is just a solid football player.
  7. Marshall made a slight adjustment putting #15 in the slot, that’s where he’s done his damage.
  8. 2 quick things, FBM might come out and score 30 in the second half, but I’ll say they aren’t #3 in the state. It sucks for Crosby Dunn isn’t healthy because this would be a much different game.
  9. Watching the team under this coach they just have a different approach. The health of the qb will play a big role in how confident Crosby plays. With #2 at the helm with #1 in the backfield they are much more dynamic. I don’t think they will awe struck. As a Crosby fan, I still hate Turner stadium though lol.
  10. Analogy is dead on, I’ll slow it down for you. 1. Nederland needed to play ball control because they were not going to win in a shootout 2. The thought process is Crosby will have to win in a shootout(I’m guessing the thought process is because that particular Coug fan doesn’t think Crosby will be able to shut down FBM like Huntsville may have) 3. Then you get on here calling people lunk head. Do better, if you agree with someone’s opinion fine. If he fires back then we know how the 409 good ole boy stuff works.
  11. Now you know that isn’t true and nobody ever says that, but this year they’ve got some talent on that side of the ball. It’ll be interesting to see the matchup Friday night. I expect Nederland to try and slow the pace down and establish the run to set up some play action and run that wheel route in the big situation that seems to always work lol. Crosby’s D line isn’t big but man they are relentless. I can see like a 27-13 game or so.
  12. I still can’t believe the score of this game, the one thing I noticed though when Crosby played Texas City, those kids kept playing hard even though the game was out of hand, they were just overmatched.
  13. Figure what out, that he cramped up? Yeah I saw it and against that team last night he was more valuable on offense.
  14. If you noticed the one kid Crosby had going both ways was cramping and came up a little gimpy several times.
  15. Did you have players going both ways last year?
  16. Well to be honest, you only scored 7 points on the 1st team defense so I’m not sure that woulda helped tonight!
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