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Everything posted by HurricaneCal

  1. At first I was like what is he talking about then I took a closer look and was like welp, he’s right you know!
  2. Wait for it!!!! Shocked it hasn’t already lit up!
  3. There was one guy who tried to get y’alls goat with the MECCA stuff years ago(his kid walked on and earned a scholarship and just had Senior Day) and everyone took the bait hook line and sinker lol. 14.2 gets on here and tries to give and honest opinion based on numbers and people destroy him. Personally I don’t know the head coach from Adam. I went to the Vidor game and it was hard to watch. Not because it was Vidor, the kids played with no emotion and I had never seen that from a Crosby team I’ve been watching for a while now. Your fan base is loyal, as long as you beat Nederland, good thing Neumann retired!
  4. I don’t think anyone pull a for sale sign in the head coaches yard! #GLASSHOUSE
  5. Maybe the World Series also. Y’all got some Astro fans that way huh?
  6. Just an observation from someone who keeps it real. No fair weather and dumbarse comments about other teams just an honest opinion about what I saw on the field.
  7. I think everyone has an off game against the Pirates. You see these smallish young men during warmups then they come out and start cutting, miss direction, and then boom big pass play. Then every kid on that team gives everything they have for the coach. The style of play is just different. I’ll always refer to what the service academies do against the bigger schools on Saturday. It’s very difficult to prepare for. Kudos to that coach, he’s a difference maker.
  8. The game I saw they just didn’t play with a lot of emotion. Talking to some others they think the qb being eligible helps, idk. Find out a lot this week against the ant mound.
  9. True, you’re never going to please everybody that’s for dang sure, but I didn’t see much support at all which is concerning. Name me a successful program where there is no community support?
  10. I don’t think affording the coach is the problem. I think it is the fact the new Superintendent roughy his guy in and just judging by what was being said in the stands, the community is not behind this guy. I just set there last night thinking the kids were disinterested though, but I’m just another person sitting in the stands that doesn’t go to practices and meetings or watching any film so it is just my opinion. Just watching them line up after a delay and they jog to get set and get a procedure call. Then the player jogs off and gets basically a high five. I guess it is 2019, but dang man. My kid graduated in 2014 and I told the coaches if he isn’t doing something right, get in a$$.
  11. The Vidor team Crosby played at Lamar in the playoffs was much better, but it was more of what Crosby is this year. I actually sat beside some old timers(a lot like Lil Tex was) guys that just love to watch high school football and from the beginning it was bad. The coach doesn’t have the community support and most importantly to me he doesn’t have the Kids. This is just my opinion but it was what I saw from the beginning. I don’t know if it was the time away from football with the flooding or just a lack of enthusiasm, but something just looked off with this team. You watch Vidor and they were running to each other and they were excited to be there last night. I don’t know what Matthews says to the kids when they are laying on the field after getting banged up, but I could use that pep talk sometimes on Mondays. Side note: #15 wasn’t flashy, didn’t seem real fast, but that kid is tough as nails. He took some licks last night and kept coming.
  12. Man, after watching the first set of downs I was kind of shocked. How in the heck did they put up that many points against Manvel? I noticed the no passion also, it’s almost like they aren’t allowed to get excited. I will say about Vidor is that guy gets every ounce of everything those kids have.
  13. Nah, at least they weren’t in a 3 man front lol
  14. Not the kid from GCM, RB still playing QB. They are really limited on offense. Tonight was the first game I watched in the last two years. Buddy G can back me up, I said Crosby was going to lose at halftime.
  15. Sorry, the other comments didn’t load at first when I pulled up the thread.
  16. Didn’t say anything about the fake punt, just the 2 point conversion.
  17. The old coach used to go for 2 often as well early in the game. It isn’t that uncommon anymore unfortunately. Seems like the Coogs are playing a bit better to start tonight though. That should be encouraging.
  18. Just a quick question, what was the score last year?
  19. He must have gotten tired of teaching 2 classes, just a guess though.
  20. Man, they were right there. Reminds me of the Elgin Crosby game years ago at Sam Houston. When it goes bad it goes bad fast. Way to fight Dawgs, you guys were right there.
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