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Everything posted by HurricaneCal

  1. Haven’t they always had the QB punt sometimes though, I remember Morse punting they little quick kick after lining up like they were gonna go for it a few times. Was it a clear punting situation or something at about midfield where they lined up and he quick kicked?
  2. The problem there is at safety, they’ve got 2 flat out studs that most likely will be playing on Sundays and one Thursday a year.
  3. There’s just something about that bubble screen or that cross that is flat out pretty though!
  4. Will the pick ems be updated to reflect the final outcome?
  5. Why hasn’t the topic changed from /rumors
  6. Inadvertently left in there and turned on with some kind of formation on the screen lol. I could understand if it was solitaire, but ummmmm......
  7. The cool thing is they have one less worry, no bus ride. Didn’t have to pass the collection plate this week to ensure they got there. Crosby 42 BARBIES Hill 36
  8. It doesn’t matter what they were, now come on to the jungle and get your whooping tonight! The kids are going to play lights out tonight and they this is a must win. CODERED
  9. [Hidden Content] Utah does a 3 way a bit differently
  10. So would Trent Dilfer be considered a better QB than Marino, if you look at overall success then he’s got a ring!
  11. Anyone seen this? [Hidden Content]
  12. Did you just say high school is tough, shooooooooot what I wouldn’t do to go back in time and not have any bills, and all had to worry about was oh nevermind to many movements going on for me to continue. But yes, this sucks for the kids for sure but Crosby is a good community and somehow they’ll pull through
  13. We’re just hoping they can make the bus ride down!
  14. The final number was way more than 129 with early retirements and personnel let go.
  15. Up to a 129 employees, early retirement or just let go. No job you’re in is ever safe so when a teacher or coach leaves for greener pastures I can’t ever hate. I did find out though through all of this that Crosby WAS one of the highest paid starting jobs in the greater Houston area for teachers. Can I get a whoop whoop?
  16. After to first bond to build the new high school was spent and there was a second bond that was proposed not long after the first, red flags should’ve gone off but...... if you question “its for the kids” then you’re the bad guy. If 14.2 had’ve been on the school board alarm bells would’ve been rang. He wouldn’t have worried about people’s feelings
  17. Nah every chance you get, every week it’s whoever is lining up against Crosby. You gotta be right sooner than later.
  18. Got some cool stuff there though, just gotta let a bunch of people and programs go to pay for it I guess. Smh, I’m gonna end up like that indianforever guy I guess, gotta find me school in KLEIN ISD to pull for now. Don’t be hating, I at least live there now.
  19. People bashed Beaumont ISD for a long time. Plain and simple if someone took money they should go to jail. This is what happens though when non qualified people are elected to a board and have no idea what they are doing.
  20. Man a new article comes out every day, now the number is up to 57 employees. I guess that is a making a dent. Two bonds were already approved in precious now businesses are donating paper and the AG department needs metal to continue to be able to weld. SMH, the previous administration did a number and the board must’ve been full of yes people. Can’t wait til these audits come back and made public.
  21. You misunderstood his post because the joke was horrible, I like the way you do math though and if you add up the teachers and staff Crosby is letting go, it doesn’t make a dent into the almost 5 mil! I’m sure they’ll have some cool baseball tourneys there this year though.
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