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Everything posted by HurricaneCal

  1. Crosby’s will land somewhere quick and it had to do with what class he was teaching smh, timberwolve/Buffalo/hornet/panther/wildcat/injun forevever
  2. I still have some purple in closet, stop off of Wilson every now and then have cold beverage or 10.
  3. Visitor side is too small for them they complain complain complain, you know how they are.
  4. I talk to several of your fans on a weekly basis and everyone knows what would happen if he wasn’t playing. That’s definitely not a knock on your brother. I tell all those OU knucklehead fans on FB, just wait!
  5. Disagree disagree disagree disagree, way more than “swiped it once”. It’s not just football and other sports suffering. When you’re cutting special education programs, bus drivers, and other teachers from gifted programs, what growth was happening may slow just a bit. Glad I already sold my house, whew!
  6. I don’t think he’s said anything negative, maybe I missed it, everyone I’ve talked to has said nothing but positive things. Whew, my kid was 2-0 against the Injuns so at least I got that going for me I guess.
  7. Just answer this one question, nevermind you and I both know the answer.
  8. He said he was watching on FB, I figured you were streaming. I kept talking him off the ledge, kept saying you’re gonna be fine, you’re gonna get the ball last lol.
  9. Well I’m sure everyone will pile on but anyone that has ever played sports knows the bond a kid can make with a coach in a short amount of time. I can’t imagine what those youngsters are thinking. This entire thing is a mess. It could really end up spiraling out of control, guess we’ll see how resilient these kids from cougarland are.
  10. I can’t speakfor him, but man I hope he doesn’t bring up losing the DC on Friday having an impact. Personally I’ve been watching Crosby since 2012 when my son made varsity. Every time they’ve face a dynamic qb it hasn’t been good. That trend continues.
  11. I was just a little off with my 3 tds and field goal prediction wasn’t bad lol.
  12. It’s not a pile of analytical bs, the guy looks at the numbers and gives his honest sometimes brutally honest opinion. People get their feelings hurt when he states whatever his thoughts are, but he doesn’t run and hide. Y’all look at what some of these new screen names with 10 posts come here and post all kinds of smack then next week it’s another screen name. Personally I look the situation in Crosby right now and anyone with half a brain can figure out what’s about to happen.
  13. As I was texting with Stattrax during the game last night, early on I said last one with the ball wins. And when Crosby got the ball back with 6 something left in the fourth I said too much time left Crosby will score too fast, congrats!! Little did I know that the budget thing had hit already. I didn’t think Crosby would be losing anyone until December. Very unfortunate situation for those folks and their families.
  14. Haha, you know how those folks in purple can get upset quick lol.
  15. Ummmm, Sister would be more appropriate.
  16. Yeah that quote thing is tricky, got me the other day.
  17. Lots of new construction going up everywhere. My question is at the growth rate it is going when the new addition has to be put on the high school, wth are they gonna do then?
  18. I tore mine and meniscus in the Navy, walked to medical then walked to the ship. Did a 6 month deployment and finally got it fixed after a year and some change. Everyone is different. They said the think Jay Ajayi tore his early in the Eagles game last week and played through it.
  19. Nederland just too much, by 3 tds and a field goal.
  20. My quotes are messed up but soon will indianforever have the screen name hornetforever
  21. Don’t even post anymore this year until Dayton beats somebody, talking about somebody else and round 3, when Dayton won’t even win 3 games this year. SMH
  22. One thing I’ll say about stats is, look at the schedule and then look at the stats. Great stats at 0-4 against average competition, okay stats at 4-0 against well above average competition. Which one would you choose?
  23. In honor of LilTex, Dayton = 1st downs keep @ > time possession ......and play better in 1st half, Crosby >% ranking :; but $$$$ are missing (&&&&&) you know what I’m saying Crosby 42 Dayton 27
  24. For some reason I feel like Nederland will be a bit too much in this one. Dawgs by 10
  25. A lot like Army and OU in some ways I guess.
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