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Everything posted by HurricaneCal

  1. Nah, my son was wearing red. It was easy. Now if it had of been black and gold, that would've been a different story.
  2. I used to live in Groves, skeeters would bite you through your shirt
  3. Better have some OFF, that good kind, not the regular orange can, long sleeve shirt, jeans, and might as well wear some kinda netting on your face and neck.
  4. Sooooo, maybe this is why they scheduled LCM, interesting thought.
  5. Been watching Crosby since 2012, can't say I remember them being anywhere close to this small. Hopefully they can continue to get better, its early, but man I'm glad they didn't play week 1. That's all I'm gonna say about that!
  6. Saw all I needed to see, guess you didn't see the dropped passes from wide open cats running free. Made the statement with a coach I was sitting withwhen I left, BH will wear down in second half. You think either one of these teams would beat PNG or PAM then cool, that's your opinion. I'd love to see one those matchups.
  7. Man, I watched the 1st half and left. I'm gonna catch some heat for this, but oh well. Neither one of those teams could beat PAM or PNG. If BH actually had receivers that could catch the ball, they may have had 40 in the first half. They are gritty, but just don't have the Jimmy's and Joes yet.
  8. He's not hiding from anything, I didn't post on here a lot when my son was playing either.
  9. When he does get those "move ins" or whatever you want to call them, that's when when you'll be talking about a deep playoff run, not just competing for a district title. I'm one who said that, but I also picked them to win the district this year.
  10. I personally think it could be a little of both. I think Dayton for sure isn't the Dayton of old, but Nederland might be a little better than expected. Only time will tell.
  11. Kingwood Park could be a wild card on this side. As always it depends on the matchups. Defense, can anyone stop anybody?
  12. Hope everyone East of here is doing okay now. Just saw on the news where they are evacuating folks from PA.
  13. Now we got a possible explosive situation with Arkema chemical plant. Their refrigeration system has failed. If the chemical gets above a certain temp it's gonna ignite.
  14. It depends on where you are buddy. Lots of people displaced. Middle school and vfw hall are shelters right now. Worried about what the San Jacinto is going to do.
  15. Y'all watch out for those Gators that are gonna get out at gator country.
  16. Vidor is just different and we all know that. Ask PAM!
  17. Don't know what this week will be as far as the weather will be either.
  18. I would think coming out of this one healthy would be great.
  19. Can't wait for Mid County Madness this year!
  20. It is raining like a son of a gun here right now!
  21. I know Stattrax from way back, I'm buddies with him, just giving him a hard time.
  22. Can you make a Mid County Madness or Bum Bowl thread and quit taking over a Crosby thread?
  23. Defense has a lot of holes to fill, small but "disciplined", offense has got some kiddo that would be the 15th best athlete at another school in the area at the helm, kicking game has question marks, overall though, an electric "atmosphere".
  24. Working hard, JV won't be as good this year, coaching top notch, O is electric, and likes the D. Update complete!
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