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Everything posted by HurricaneCal

  1. Were you looking in the mirror talking to yourself when you posted this gem?
  2. That beat down the Pirates put on Central tonight has definitely played with your emotions. Just keep commenting on other threads then go back and blame some play calling on Central's thread. Again you compared Manvel and Ridgepoint to Vidor. Smh!!!!!!
  3. Great post, you just compared Manvel and Ridge Point to Vidor a team that got housed by BH. Smh! That Beaumont math at work again!
  4. Well, you know they don't teach math there!
  5. I seriously thought I was dreaming last night, but I woke up this morning and see this actually happened.
  6. BH played hard, Coogs need to get healthy and against better teams 1st and 20 is going to be hard to overcome. Like my buddy from the Hill texted after about 2:00 into the game, Crosby was just bigger, faster, and stronger. BH always seems to have a couple of nice DE's and that little quick #10 had a nice game. Biggest thing for Crosby is get healthy and cut out the silly penalties. Oh, kicking game is not very good. If I used that Beaumont math my 38-18 prediction was way off and not in the ballpark.
  7. I don't really have a heart, so need to bless it. Numbers are easy to read, looking forward to seeing maybe 18 on your side. Prolly like 38 on the home side.
  8. My bad, I read that wrong, I for sure saw whining.
  9. You're probably going to be okay, not much traffic at halftime.
  10. Don't forget that 6th cousin near Manvel!
  11. I'm not logging out, why? Gonna just take the crow, but I don't have that to worry about, I've got faith. I just hope they recover that onside kick and stop the fake punt in the second qtr at about the 40. They do that and it's gravy!
  12. Exactly, Coogfans have been saying that all along, finally someone is listening.
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