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Posts posted by HurricaneCal

  1. 7 minutes ago, Bronco94 said:

    Yep, that hurt, I just pinched myself, and I am not dreaming lol

    One of the reasons I say that is Crosby put 40, 30, and 63 on them the last 3 years and that was them using that ball control offense, now switching offenses totally, it's going to take some time.  But hey, that's why they play the game right.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Bronco94 said:

    I'm just not a fan of rivals, and both teams are one of my biggest rivals, but the more cocky Crosby gets the more they start to top the list.

    Not cocky, just stating an honest opinion. Is this better, it will be a well contested match up with new coaching staff in place.  Tough way to start the district schedule facing the unknown with what they are building at the Hill.  Maybe a defensive struggle for Crosby adapting to Barbers Hill's new offense seeing the spread for the first time from them.  Hopefully they can put enough points up to stay in it and squeak out a W in the end.

  3. They should go back to the leather helmets no face masks and drinking water from garden hose only at the end of practices if they are lucky, and practice in the parking lot to build character.  That's the way we did it growing up.  These kids today are spoiled, am I right?  With their fancy cleats, high dollar helmets, towels, and gloves.  My take if a school does it, good for them and if they don't, good for them.  Kids aren't going to play any different whether or not their name is on the back of the jersey.  I'm not gonna hate if it is.  It's 2016!

  4. Her you go Stat, district still runs through Nederland until they don't win it. PAMemorial will contend for the crown with Central, PNG, and possibly Vidor.  Real chance that PNG comes in 5th on the outside looking in.  Way too early to tell though.  Sophmore could come out and be electric, put up 55 a game.  Question is, will you give up 56 a game?

  5. Maybe my viewpoint is a bit different.  I spent 20 years of my adult life serving my country.  So for me, America is the greatest country in the world.  When you knock on a families door to tell the their song, husband, or father has died, it confirms it. So many give so much and are there problems, most definitely.  I wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton over my dog, but that's me, but I sure as heck am not moving to Canada if she gets elected.  People are naive to think that racism doesn't exist in our country.  White to black, black to white, white to Mexican, Mexican to black, and so on.  The problem is this is a learned behavior and people are ignorant enough to still be that way.  Then you have these groups that are still allowed to exist like the KKK and black panthers.  Why, they are based on hate.  Start there, and people need to have dialogue, stop with belittling other, and have a respect for each other not based on race, religion, creed, or whatever.  Back to your question, the country I live in has been good to me, I love and respect my flag, and it's the greatest country on the planet earth!

  6. Believe me, that bond that passed here in Crosby hit me in the pocket book, but when you have growth and outdated facilities you either fall behind and never catch up or you build the facilities.  You just always hope the decision makers do the right thing.  For high schools right down the road from each other, why is there such a significant difference in the facilities?

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