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Everything posted by HurricaneCal

  1. I heard y'all got some upgrades, a new Zturn mower, yard markers, and gonna spray paint the lines this year! #movingonup
  2. I would but when I try load pics on here, the file is too big.
  3. I know it's 7 on 7, but man that kid throws a good ball!
  4. Got word he's out of the hospital and at home. Pretty amazing!
  5. Let me guess, now you got a cousin's friend's Uncle's who knows the mailman of a coach's son that goes to Memorial that you root for?
  6. Wasn't that all world RB for Angleton and a couple of more kids that were pretty good out for them in week 2 when Crosby played them? They sure played a lot better at the end of year last year than what was on the field week 2.
  7. Jonathan Martin done with football, wasn't Incognito a pro bowler last year?
  8. Secretly monitoring until he finds out how PNG will be on D and what the QB is going to look like. He's secretly hoping that PNG pounds the rock but knows deep down that's not going to happen. Okay, I'll stop now!
  9. Don't know why GR was mentioned. Maybe you meant RP who is now 6A and most likely the same thing would happen again this year if those teams played again. Wasn't a slight on the State Champs, just a difference in classifications. That WOS/Ned game will be a slobber knocker, I personally think too much speed from the fellas from Orange County, but wouldn't count out Nederland like some will do.
  10. My ex brother in law went and actually said a lot of the same things the original post said.
  11. That's wrong of you, you cannot go with recent times. Must go back to the 50's!
  12. Celina wasn't every good in the 40's and 50's I see. Can't wait for the 5a ones, that was Nederlands bread and butter.
  13. I'm sure they never got in to Hillary's "private" server. Russian Government Hackers Have Penetrated DNC Network And Stolen Opposition Research On Trump - [Hidden Content] via @barstoolsports
  14. The same Goldman Sachs that gave Hillary over 200K for speaking engagements. Shocker…Goldman Sachs Under Investigation For Using Whores To Close Business Deals - [Hidden Content] via @barstoolsports
  15. And he tried hooking up on a Gay app. I'm sure investigators will uncover more.
  16. Remember back when Baylor didn't want Brittany Griner to come out, who knew they were covering up rape! Heard that on sports reporters this morning. Great point. Also this was more than football, regular students were allegedly raping young women and it was getting ignored. Good luck to this young man and the path he chooses. Tough situation.
  17. They haven't done the right thing. Everybody should be gone.
  18. Honestly I think they will be, unless he come out there in that wing 1940's O like the last guy. That spread will generate some excitement, just gotta get the Jimmy's and Joes to run it.
  19. Ohhhhh you dilusional Crosby fan you!
  20. They have some "fast" kids there now. They always do good in track. Like the 1600M and 3200M!
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