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Everything posted by HurricaneCal

  1. Don't cosign on this just yet. KP should be there, BH I think is at least one year away.
  2. Bingo, didn't they want a couple of heisman winners to play cornerback? You can miss at middle linebacker, but you better not repeatedly miss at QB.
  3. Your original statement of Baylor killing UT in recruiting has been proven wrong. 2-2 in the last 4 and 4-4. This is with Mack being bad his last couple of years and Charlie coming in, cleaning house and starting the rebuilding process. If you don't think Texas is getting better under Charlie Strong you are the dilusional one. And Charlie has done it without taking transfers with issues from Boise State or covering up Rapes with the Austin PD! Waco will still be better known for the Branch Dividians and a school there covering up rape than a winning program.
  4. The dominant thing was to Trading up ant mound not to you. Of course I know they didn't have a QB the last meeting and that is why UT won. W is a W though. I also wouldn't say it happens everywhere to this extent, but it happens a lot of places. Look at the sexual assault culture that was in the military.
  5. And btw in those 8 years, there was a #2 overall pick that played QB and a heisman winner, and a #103 draft pick at QB. I think anyone that watches football knows that is where UT has missed the most. Like I said though 4-4
  6. As "dominate" as Baylor has been against UT, they are 4-4 in the last 8. I guess he is a GENIUS when it comes to football, standing up for what's right though, Moron!
  7. They weren't taking a recruiting beating and UT even won last years meeting no matter how, they got the W. Baylor is good because.......and also that should say, Baylor was good!
  8. According to 247Sports 2013 Texas ranked 17 Baylor 27 2014 Texas 20 Baylor 27 2015 Texas 10 Baylor 36 2016 Texas 11 Baylor 17 what kind of beating are you speaking of?
  9. Man, I've been wanting to comment on quite a few things, now that you are back, I can.
  10. The PNG games I saw this year that linebacker Rembert was everywhere, at least worthy of a nomination. Did he play every game or miss some due to injury?
  11. On the high school level do big named coaches win without big time players? It's like the coach from WOS said, you ain't gonna win the Kentucky Derby with a mule. I would say though, hiring a big named coach will put some excitement back in the program, but hiring a coach that the community respects and most importantly the kids, might be a better hire. Just my humbled opinion.
  12. As long as Rick Smith is the GM, there is no telling what they will do. Lynch won't be available most likely, Wentz may be, but how many "franchise" QB's are there? When the owner comes out and says we gotta find one though, that should be priory #1. The team still has a lot of holes that comes from constantly missing in the draft. After Cleveland the Texans have probably drafted worse than anyone else the past 5 years.
  13. got to be careful when you're talking about the horseman
  14. Is this the school where the horseman or whatever they were called played?
  15. Yep, without a QB and running the dang wildcat.
  16. What's crazy is they beat OU and TCU (without the QB). Any choice this young man makes, I wish him luck, health, a great education, and to have some fun playing college football.
  17. Why is that, Charlie's recruits from Louisville are doing pretty good in the NFL. He also seems to set the bar high as far as character and discipline. During Mack's last couple of years it went south in my opinion.
  18. my bad, this was supposed to be on the girls forum!
  19. I've said all along he should've handed that lady her ticket, followed it with have a nice day ma'am and went about his business.
  20. I was just quoting you because I'm glad you said it, I have Cougar in my name so I didn't want to bring it up first. I would've been labeled as a hater. I agree with your assessment.
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