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Everything posted by HurricaneCal

  1. You mean it's easier to win with lots of 3, 4, and 5 star recruits than no stars at all? Interesting. Seriously though, interesting to see if the move ins start happening. Just for gp the other day my girlfriend was looking at houses in that area this past weekend. Sticker price was $370K, ummmm okay. Gonna need a little more affordable housing in that area.
  2. I don't think GCM will come close to the BH hire, I mean who would it have to be to have that wow factor we got yesterday?
  3. This goes back to a few topics about why one area is ahead of southeast Texas in football. My personal opinion is money and facilities then enrollment. Landing this guy from one of the national power houses says a lot for the area. He comes in and gets a few move ins, then starts winning, other school districts may take note and start improving facilities, pay, etc. I think it's great for football here in the area and hopefully it starts a trend. Congrats to the Hill for catching a big fish.
  4. Ole Jerra got bigger things that he's working on like whether or not he's gonna fire Garrett and go after Sean Payton.
  5. If you google is Brett Bielema on the hot seat, the sb nation article is the second one to pop up back in September. A couple of articles down (later in the year also) it explains why he has 15.4 million reasons he's probably good til 2018. [Hidden Content]
  6. I've seen the term "Saban's doghouse", the players elected to send him home so it's a bigger issue than being in Saban's doghouse. Says a lot when your teammates vote that way.
  7. How about they need some athletes. Job pays well, but until they get some move ins or group of athletes come through a couple of consecutive classes, they will be the same year in and year out. Your offense is limited for a reason. Long distance track does well though, I think.
  8. because they already knew about Larry's shenanigans
  9. With all due respect, they do have the likes of Mcneese State, Eastern Michigan, Syracuse, and Western Kentucky.
  10. I told Kyle, welp, at least you know they need some help on that side of the ball. He's itching to get back out there.
  11. I would be willing to bet that if I had this "invention", we'll call it a clock, in my car and got pulled over that if the policeman asked me if it was a bomb and I said no then quit talking, I'd be carried away in hand cuffs.
  12. What could possibly go wrong? [Hidden Content]=
  13. Here's to hoping Austin Walter has a big day against UT. It's my understanding the play calling duties for Texas has been given to the wr coach who got let go from Oklahoma. Maybe no more runs in to the teeth of the defense on 3rd and 3, or 2nd and 5, or heck 1st and 20, never mind you get my drift.
  14. Did you hear the Sam head coach at halftime? They asked his thoughts and he said well we found out in the first half that they are as good as we are. I was like dang, that's a Big 12 school you talking about.
  15. Guys like Bill Bellichek and Chip Kelly have now said he isn't ready or isn't good enough to be the 3rd QB in their system. This system in Philly is more like what he did in Florida. He did improve some during his year off, but he is not an NFL QB. Great person, but needs to switch positions of he wants to play in the NFL.
  16. Arlans in Crosby has deliveries scheduled for tomorrow. #winning
  17. It can be laced with different things, but I personally think it stems from kids doing these synthetic knock offs, bath salts, and stuff like that.
  18. When I was growing up in the late 80's plenty of kids were doing drugs, Mary Jane was the drug of choice. Not as many problems then. Now, with all of the crap that is out there, kids are doing much different/harder brain effecting drugs.
  19. After the Foster injury my personal opinion is that it's hard to win in the NFL with the worst RB QB combination. I can't think of any team that is in a worse situation. Maybe Cleveland.
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