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Everything posted by HurricaneCal

  1. what if the Boys win it all and the Texans go 8-8?
  2. When he doesn't make the cut and runs as an independent the welcome, most likely, Hillary! If he loves our country as much as he says he does, then he won't.
  3. I was asking your insight since it seems as though you seem to know about this topic. I asked 2 questions, trying to do some research, but I got "Trumped"
  4. is it all planned parenthood locations or a few rogue members? Wasn't one of the videos edited also?
  5. those 2 policies are what is losing the swing vote for the Republican Party. To say if a woman is raped she should have the baby is just crazy talk and turns people off.
  6. the problem is it seems as though every 4 years we have to choose who will screw up the country less. I think until Republicans come towards the middle on certain issues like abortion and gay marriage, they are in an uphill battle.
  7. I think you'll see Paul and Walker with his awkward smile and head bobbing also.
  8. I can't wait to see who says something on the dreaded "hot mike"
  9. Then he gets the race question, coincidence?
  10. I can't wait til Saturday Night Live this week!
  11. Ted Cruz be like, can I talk? No, okay!
  12. They are all still impressed with Ronald Reagan.
  13. Approx 2 years after the Miami Dolphins bullying scandal, Jonathan Martin is retired and Richie Incognito was announced as a starter by Rex Ryan.
  14. Just saw where Jericho is alive. We've been had by the media jumping to conclusions again. This is great news and we all can rest easy.
  15. I used to have a completely different take on suicide. My old thoughts were if you wanted to off yourself go ahead. Then one Memorial Day I had to put on my dress whites and knocked on a fathers door and tell him his son was no longer with us. It pained me to see that man play the voicemail his son left him the day before. Well, after about 2 months, I used to stop by his house and have a coke with him, I let him know how this situation changed my outlook because I saw the other side. Somebody somewhere could have helped this woman! Family, the jailers, somebody! I know you said you would let your son sit in jail hippy, I respect your opinion but I couldn't do that! Too many what ifs could happen in there.
  16. Another issue in this particular situation was once she was in jail, several opportunities were missed to identify her mental state. Then I believe it has been determined that someone failed to follow the procedures when they didn't check on her in the correct time. If you go back through this thread I have also stated that she was rude and argumentative at the beginning of the stop. I don't think that is against the law though.
  17. Interesting take! [Hidden Content]
  18. I guess for some people it's just difficult to say when a guy with a badge is out of line. I'm not a police hater, but if you don't think there are issues in our police force then I would have to disagree with you.
  19. I never said he killed her, obviously he didn't. I've said all along he got reassigned for a reason.
  20. I don't have any mental illness issues at the time so I do as asked, but everyone isn't quite so fortunate. See I'll tell you a quick story, I have a son who is Autistic. Sometimes he goes off for no reason. It could be the slightest of things. I pray to god some prick like this guy with a badge doesn't come across my sons path! Zero compassion and understanding.
  21. That's great, but you probably don't suffer from depression or have any mental issues. Sometimes there is a bigger picture that some can't seem to grasp, but when some lunatic goes crazy and shoot up a theatre, a school, and a church we are quickly to talk about "mental illness". Obviously this lady had something going on and that guy with a badge showed a lot of compassion!
  22. You stated when you make a habit of not doing what an officer tells you, you get pulled over. That makes no sense.
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