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Everything posted by HurricaneCal

  1. It was that crazy lane change that hardened criminal did that got her pulled over. I'm sure just like me, you always use your turn signal.
  2. How does he ask you something then you get pulled over? I can't comprehend that.
  3. Think about that, if she had put her cigarette out!
  4. If, if, if he had handed her the ticket and said have a nice day ma'am, she wouldn't have died in jail either. Guess he couldn't take te high road though. But hey, he's got cushy desk job now.
  5. She killed herself(evidence says so), but in my humbled opinion that guy was over zealous and escalated the situation. If he didn't do anything wrong he wouldn't have been reassigned. This lady suffered from things that should have been discovered in the jail. Nobody is perfect and she had her issues, but she shouldn't have died in a jail cell.
  6. "Unprofessional Conduct" could mean anything ranging from saying inappropriate things to escalating a situation that didn't need to be!
  7. Rasmus being the odd man out is okay, but honestly with Springer having the wrist issue could linger this year so Gomez is an insurance policy.
  8. Tigers Wood playing better this week, hope he's in the hunt on Sunday so I can tune in.
  9. Shell is cutting 6,500 jobs [Hidden Content]
  10. I'm saying if Young or Aikman said act like white guys. There would be a backlash in my opinion.
  11. I honestly believe if Steve Young or Troy Aikman had said this there would have been a call for their jobs. [Hidden Content]
  12. I used to take my food out and sit at a different table and talk to everyone to let all the kids know it was ok to sit at a table with different people. Most of the time we talked about sports. To me, Sports is one of the things that brings us together. I actually dislike posting on the politics part of the website, but I have started to more recently. You are correct with saying they do that because that's a comfort zone for them. It was always interesting when we did command climate surveys with some of the data we collected.
  13. Cueto to the Royals, I think Astros need a bat, possibly a reliever, and Qualls on the DL.
  14. Was it not using your turn signal for a lane change? That's some serious "ish" and will not be tolerated Mr.
  15. Racism goes all ways also. It's a two way street. Too many times issues are turned into a race issue when it's not. Also respect is something missing with all races. I personally feel the media drives a wedge between us and we bite.
  16. I still say that if he handed her the warning or ticket and just said have a nice day ma'am that this wouldn't be an issue at all. Yes she was extremely rude even at the beginning of the stop, but there are too many things that happened here that didn't need to.
  17. Pulled over for not using your turn signal could land you in a jail cell? I see policeman all the time do it! I do it!
  18. It's young men like this that make our nation great! [Hidden Content]
  19. I'm 41 so I wasn't around for the same timeframe. I'm referencing my life experiences, high school and Navy, etc. you go on the mess decks on a ship, you'll have groups of Sailors eating together. Phillipinos eating with Phillipinos, Hispanics with Hispanics, Whites with Whites, Blacks with Blacks. There's absolutely no segregation there, but that's the way at is. The question is why? I grew up in a small town in Virginia. South Hill where there isn't much, we were a 2A high school. There is a movie theatre there that had to shut their doors because the owner refused to let 4 kids in who were flying the rebel flag on their truck. So there was going to be a rebel flag rally there this weekend. So in my town where I grew up, no race relations aren't any better. It goes back to the people who wouldn't make the cake for the gay couple. The right to refuse service to anyone. Discrimination is discrimination any way you cut it, people hide behind the "it's my religious beliefs". I can't speak for the PAISD statistics, I don't know them. I would be willing to bet though that there are the same numbers in other school districts that are reversed. How do we as communities fix that?
  20. He made his living at ESPN by being somewhat controversial his entire time. He basically puts his two weeks notice in because he's going to fox and gets canned by ESPN. This way they can say they got rid of him.
  21. I'm sure some will disagree with me, but I feel like "thug" is the new "n" word. To me race relations aren't any better because it is only discussed during times of tension, after some crazy event.
  22. They could always pull the ole okie doke! Bad PR for the NFL though. Need to let them give the speech.
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