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Everything posted by HurricaneCal

  1. Because they probably want to talk about brain trauma and the NFL wants no part of that.
  2. My ex mother in law was staying in Lafayette last night and was too tired to go to the movies. She had bought tickets for today instead, to that movie theatre.
  3. From bleacher report. This dude is something else! [Hidden Content]
  4. I think often times people come(jump) to conclusions without educating themselves on the issues. I would agree with a lot of what you said, but I would also say the respect thing goes both ways with policeman. It's the arrogant all mightier than now policeman that really make it difficult for the good ones. I also agree that our country is more divided for whatever reason(I personally think both sides just can't find common ground). There is never enough dialogue and you can't have a conversation about differences without it becoming personal or just a plain ole argument. I think people in our country need to have more respect for each other regardless of what sex, religion, race, or whatever. That seems to be lost in our culture. We've agreed on some things Hippy and we've disagreed on some things. I'd have beer with you though (if you drink), I'd probably learn a thing or two.
  5. Call me crazy, but I absolutely agree with him on this one.
  6. Uh oh, another death in jail, HPD investigating a death in jail in Houston.
  7. Besides that show he was on, I haven't watched MTV in years.
  8. My son was on MTV last year, those shows are 100% legit!!! Ah hem!!!!!
  9. TVC184, if the officer here didn't do something wrong why was he placed on administrative whatever it was for not following protocol? Would it have been too much for him to hand her the warning and just say have a good day ma'am? I understand all of the tactics and questions policeman use, but it just seemed to me she hated the police and he could've handled a bit different. She posed no threat especially considering that illegal lane change she did.
  10. I don't think he caused her death either, but if he hadn't broken those policies, would she have died in the jail cell?
  11. Wasn't the arresting officer put on administrative duty or something for not following protocol or something like that? Another thing, is it illegal for the second person that was way away from the scene that was videoing it? The policeman points at him and says you need to leave. Why?
  12. Watching the video I thought it was interesting that when she was pulled from the car they ended up just out of camera view. I'm interested to see if the autopsy reveals any head trauma she may have suffered from getting taken down.
  13. Why is there a 60 gallon trash bag in the holding cell?
  14. She was definitely looking for somewhat of a confrontation in my opinion, but the stop was over. He didn't have to continue in my opinion. When I've gotten pulled over, I say yes sir and no sir, but I haven't been having a bad day or frustrated at something else. God I hope I'm not if getting pulled out of the car like that is part of it.
  15. Bagwell still in the game at Minute Maid. [Hidden Content]
  16. After watching the dash cam video my thoughts are this: 1. She was rude as heck during the entire traffic stop. 2. That policeman just seemed to be out looking for the smallest of infractions to pull people over in my opinion for it to lead to something larger. (Boy did it ever) looked like he was at or near Prarie View A&M so was he profiling? Liked to see who all he pulled over during his shift. 3. He seemed to escalate the situation himself. 4. It's really sad that a violation that was going to be a warning ended up with a woman dead in a jail cell. Who knows, whether or not this would've happened if she weren't there, but she didn't need to be there. 5. Still a lot of stones to turn over in this case.
  17. Well your aren't supposed to carry a weapon, but.... [Hidden Content]
  18. This is another instance where everyone should wait for the results of the investigation. It's easy to jump to conclusions especially when you don't know all of the details. I would also say a third independent source should always do the investigating as well.
  19. Heard Steve Spurrier this morning on the radio say he had a zero tolerance policy of players hitting a girl, he's lost 2 players while he has been at South Carolina.
  20. It comes with the accountability of the weapons/ammo. It's not just handing everyone a weapon, I wish it were that simple. Then there is the training that has to take place and that is also costly. There has to be a way to have someone armed though, and not publicize nobody at the recruiting center is armed. We give out too much information.
  21. It's a difficult thing to pull off arming everyone. Believe me, there are a few you don't want armed. There is a better answer than having no one armed though. The enemy has changed tactics and we haven't changed ours. That's why I've always said, better to fight on their turf than ours. Military members know when they take the oath that their life is part of the contract, but to go out like that is painful and heartbreaking.
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