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Posts posted by HurricaneCal

  1. Not sure about the being healthy part. Williams played two plays and left the game with ice on his knee. Cotten didn't play much before he had his arm in a sling and ice on his shoulder. All of this was this week at Porter

    Man, that kind of sums up the entire season.  Just can't get or stay healthy.  This might be the most physical game of the year also coming up.  

  2. Just a couple of things I noticed, it seemed as the Central players have to be mistake free, when they got a false start or one time it was a pass interference it was off the field that player came.  It's hard to play the game like that.  Looked like a lot of times Central was late getting play calls in and they were confused on where to line up.  I don't remember the number but one poor kid had his ankle taped up, hobbled out there to line up on 3rd and 12 and they throw a wr screen. He couldn't run, punt.  Defense was about the same, they were switching on the slot and wide outs several times right before the snap. Oh, when the QB brings his knee up for the snap, then he brings it up a second time and the left guard touches the center and he snaps it.  The same cadence every time.  That may be another reason PNG played a lot in your backfield.  #2 for PNG just has a nose for the football.  That young man seemed to be in every play.  PNG/Dayton should be a really good first round matchup.

  3. I wouldn't say great, they're a pretty good team.  I don't have a biased opinion about them or any other team.  I try to give honest opinions, that's what cool about it, it's my opinion.  Not worth a lot I know, but heck, it's all I got.  Rankings honestly don't mount to a hill of beans so I won't get into that discussion.  Playoff runs come down to who gets hot, who stays healthy, and match ups.  Last year you probably didn't see a Semi final appearance either, but things just clicked and fell into place.

  4. Playing Nederland and Angleton in pre district is cupcake now?  Hmmmmm, very interesting.  I've watched several games obviously that Crosby has played in this year.  The difference between this year and last year have been injuries, but they find a way to win.  How many teams can put a 5th RB in and the kid goes off like that?  O line banged up, running backs banged up, but it seems like a lot of people on here just like to disagree with 14.2.  Either way you look at it, about 3 years ago he started predicting this and got laughed it.  As far as WOS goes, they are a really good football in their classification.  

  5. So you think it's ok to harass a man with small children? To go on his private property? 

    It's never okay to do something like that.  Talking to some different folks over there, I honestly don't think he puts too much on one game, what's better, 1-9 beating Nederland or making the playoffs.  No coach out there wants to lose to their rival especially 6 years in a row.  Get right for the playoffs and stay out of that man's yard.

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