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Everything posted by HurricaneCal

  1. Without Love and Kyrie they don't have much of a chance. Maybe next year, all of the haters going to hate on Lebron.
  2. No excuse, Kyrie isn't right. I wouldn't be surprised if he got surgery after the season.
  3. I don't see how the Cavs can overcome the injuries but I hope they can. Cavs in 6.
  4. So much for him being the president of everybody. Also just last Friday he said why would I resign, that might imply I did something wrong.
  5. Actually not a double post at all, I've been interested in plenty of jobs sometimes there is interest back and sometimes there isn't, good try though!
  6. Jeff Van Gundy interested in Pelicans job and they may be interested as well.
  7. And truth be told it kinda started in the Nederland Crosby playoff thread and Incognito called out one of your Bulldog fans because y'all got shut out in two games and there were a ton of Crosby can't hit, Crosby is lucky, Crosby is beatable. So I'm sure he just continued the banter over here because of it!
  8. Because it's Friday, Duh. Got another hour and some change then off for a 3 day weekend.
  9. Welp, tied at the half. Tune back in with about 3 minutes left and save yourselves some anxiety!
  10. NBA basketball is a game of runs, Houston will make a couple. As bad as they have looked they are only down 7.
  11. Jeff Van Gundy said the other day he would have J R Smith on his team any time because he competes. Kyrie ain't right though.
  12. Why is Kyrie not in the game, I only watch the last 2-3 minutes sometimes.
  13. They can't let Livingston come in and dominate while he is in the game! Way too many easy buckets for him.
  14. Van Gundy nailed it, Green flopped and then held Ariza.
  15. McHale didn't adjust to the small lineup in the first half, made the adjustment in the second, D 12 being hurt helped him make that adjustment.
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