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Posts posted by HurricaneCal

  1. I am confused. Why is CougarCal in this thread? Oh, you came to your senses and are now a Nederland Bulldog, glad to have you! Go Dogs!

    I started out by just giving my honest opinion and obviously I think they will go undefeated over there again.  #coachenvy disagreed with my opinion so I just stated why and facts.  As far as being a Nederland fan, I respect your program, but I can't even root for the Steelers because they wear black and gold!

  2. You really are clueless.


    The app store?  More like 'user error '.


    Underachieved?  No, that sounds like Crosby.  What?  2 years of relevance?

    The Big bad Butch charged you for parking?  Again, who forced you into the stadium?  BTW, I've been to a playoff venue where you were charged for parking.  But the Butch does not charge for parking.  haven't all year...  

    Appreciate the personal attack, just stating facts.  Truth hurts sometimes!

  3. Got someone all shook up, can't even post right.... Go ahead and tag that other Crosby fan in so he can drag you out of this mess...

    phone just sending me to the App store, I don't need to tag anyone.  Facts are, Central underachieves, you bash their coach every chance you get.  Nederland has the best coach in your district hands down.  The Butch did charge for parking, but that was in the 2nd round last year so maybe you didn't go. 

  4. I will continue to support the team where I live and continue to support him because of the impact he had on my son's life (still involved).  That's football man, I would expect the guy is going to have lots of job offers, 6A and college.  The pendulum has swung for the past few years to this side of the river, don't take it so personal.  Nederland has been the only team from that side that has kept you from getting swept.  They have the best coach over there and will go undefeated again in that district.  Last 6 years Nederland is going to be what 30 something and 1 and sent how many kids to the next level compared to Central? #coachenvy  Oh, and I went to a playoff game at the Butch last and I want my $$$ back I paid for parking since they don't charge for parking. 

  5. Here are truths..   up untill a couple of years ago, the only team keeping your district above water was Dayton.  

    Vidor took you to the woodshed.  They aren't/wasn't known as a powerhouse

    You are 0fer vs. Central

    If you lose before making the title game, your season was a failure.

    When your talent dries up again, your coach will take that next 6a job.  What will you do?

    You struggled with Humble.

  6. I thought Crosby just flat out got outplayed in the first and made a ton of mistakes.  The score was 13-13.  I also made the comment that in the second half you would see Dayton get tired.  If you noticed they started to getting up slower and slower on both sides.  Good fight, a lot of heart, but when you look at how long it had been since Crosby had won in Dayton, getting out of there with a W is all that matters.

  7. Yeah, saying Dayton was the faster team is kind of a silly statement.  They played with a lot of heart but as the night went on, they got off the pile slower and slower.  Going both ways takes it toll.  And Cotton didn't look to slow when he busted that 30 some yarder up the middle.  Maybe he was talking about Netherly being slow when he took his one snap at QB.  That's about how I see his speed comment.

  8. Yeah watch the film, it'll prove to you that it wasn't a first down.  

    it looked to be about 3rd and 5 1/2 yards for a first down.  The one official signaled that but then the guy spotting the ball didn't pay attention.  I thought it was a bad spot and they got that one right, just lack of communication at first.  Now the pass interference call, when there wasn't one thrown on any other play I thought was a bad call.

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