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Posts posted by HurricaneCal

  1. I'm close friends with alot of Crosby folks, thank goodness they don't act like the clowns on here. I'm having flashbacks of SC fans. They had a couple of good years and acted the same way. I've been on this board when Crosby was everyone's b#&! $. Tides will change and a few of you Crosby keyboard warriors will silently go away.

    I don't think name calling is allowed on this site.  Some people suffer from Coulrophobia so this is no laughing matter.  Personal attacks !!

  2. Youre right.  Wasn't a prediction.   Got that off Vegas site.  Not even sure what it means.  Finally dawned on me.  Vidor over 100, Channelview under 100.

    BS aside, expect scoreboard operator to stay busy.  Oh, pending on weather, I'd go Over.  What say you?

    I honestly don't know a lot about either team, but it seems like Vidor has a lot of returning players and the QB for Channelview is electric.  Hopefully not too much rain and a high scoring affair, under 100 though.

  3. Here's to hoping Austin Walter has a big day against UT.  It's my understanding the play calling duties for Texas has been given to the wr coach who got let go from Oklahoma.  Maybe no more runs in to the teeth of the defense on 3rd and 3, or 2nd and 5, or heck 1st and 20, never mind you get my drift.

  4. If and a big "if" the ref used a slur, he should never be allowed to officiate again, but in 14 years of officiating, there has never been a problem with this guy.  If he used a slur with those kids, I'm sure he had used it before.  However; there aren't any complaints that have come to light against this guy.  If he didn't, that's really slanderish what these kids are saying.  Coaches say things all of the time in the heat of the moment.  Just go to an STJFL game and listen sometimes.

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