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Everything posted by HurricaneCal

  1. Goodell wants to know more before commenting. This guy amazes me! [Hidden Content]
  2. Refs keep Dallas in the game and Mavs win late!
  3. Every team in the league I could tell you what jersey to buy except Boston. Just a bunch of young players that are trade pieces for a star along with the draft picks Ainge has acquired. I know they're in the East but Stephens can coach his butt off.
  4. He should be the guy the younger players are looking up to now, not the guy laying down on his teammates because he doesn't like the coach or city or the owner.
  5. Anybody fits in with the Lakers, they suck. Going back to high school, Rondo was very difficult to get along with. Good thing Kobe is older because I don't think young Kobe would've gotten along with him. It just looked real bad the other night because it looked as if he quit on his teammates.
  6. Cleveland Chicago with a healthy Rose quite possibly a 7 games series, anything could happen. I originally went with Memphis out of the west so I have stick with that.
  7. Depends on the health of Conley. That foot injury is why I'm regretting my Memphis to finals pick.
  8. Tristen Thompson with the offensive rebounding is the unsung hero. Huge rebounds in big spots!
  9. Mike Conley stays healthy and his foot is ok, Memphis is still my pick out of the West.
  10. Not me, Chick-fil-A yes, it hasn't killed anyone. I'll wait til they iron out the kinks even after it goes back on the shelves. It'll be Ben & Jerry's til then.
  11. I agree with athletes get better treatment, but remember the rush to judgement in the Duke Lacrosse case. I also thought this was investigated once before he won the heisman. During the heisman voting, again at the code of ethics hearing, and now again in a civil court after he's the first pick.
  12. Allegations is the key word. Not enough evidence to bring to trial. Now, let's wait to file a civil lawsuit when the timing is right and this guy is going to be the number 1 pick. Seems suspicious to me.
  13. This crap is getting out of hand, that dang slick haired ref is just as bad as Joey Crawford.
  14. Rondo sitting with the camera men on the baseline!
  15. Mavs need to put Rondo back in so Houston can put this one away!
  16. Rondo does not want to be in Dallas, good luck to the next coach having to deal with him!
  17. Dwight Howard gets no respect, from the refs, players, or anybody.
  18. In his own words I bet on my team to win every night, so even when they were favorite he gave up runs if he were betting the spread.
  19. All Blue Bell products recalled! Not a joke folks, just reported on KPRC 2 local news!
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