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Posts posted by HurricaneCal

  1. One other thing that comes up often is drugs.  Young folks on drugs (incl alcohol) are going to do things/react "out of character".   Maybe the saddest part of these sad incidents, is why so many young folks use drugs.  Times have changed.  

    When I was growing up in the late 80's plenty of kids were doing drugs, Mary Jane was the drug of choice.  Not as many problems then.  Now, with all of the crap that is out there, kids are doing much different/harder brain effecting drugs.  

  2. How long is this horse going to be beat... Here's the straight scoop..... Crosby is going to beat Nederland...... Heck they will beat anyone in our district...... It's common knowledge that these guys don't care anything about past stuff..... Let it be.... In the end we have what we have and they have what they have.... I'm happy with what I have.... If they are happy with what they have then great..... We all know it's cyclical... Give them their time... No trophies for second.... Win it all.......... I just want a DC for my guys..... I honestly don't even consider these guys from SETX.... But it makes for some awesome convo....... 

    Wikipedia disagrees with you Sir!

    This is the hidden content, please


  3. Just the first practice with pads, but on the defensive side of the ball, those DB's still get to the ball angry, D line was actually surprisingly ok, some new kids out there, but they look to be pretty solid.  Without saying what the RB's are the WR core looks very impressive to me.  I was skeptical of what Coug14.2 has been telling everyone about this group of young men myself, but I do believe without a doubt he has been 100% on the mark.  And to expound upon my filthy comment for the Oline, I would say nasty.  Solid throughout.  The biggest Oline I've seen here since I've been here. 

  4. Donald Trump is a flip-flopping opportunist who sees this election as nothing more than an opportunity to put his name in the headlines. In the process, he's become the official mascot for the senility problem that currently exists in the modern body politic and made a mockery of the Republican Party - my party. Fox News was completely fair to him last night - when you've got a history like Trump's, those are the kinds of questions you deserve. He wasn't targeted unfairly, he made himself a target.


    Welcome to politics, Mr. Trump. Enjoy your brief stay.



    When he doesn't make the cut and runs as an independent the welcome, most likely, Hillary! If he loves our country as much as he says he does, then he won't.  

  5. Most Republicans make a provision for rape and incest.

    Why does refusing to defund planned parenthood, an organization that kills babies and sells their organs not turn people off?

    is it all planned parenthood locations or a few rogue members?  Wasn't one of the videos edited also?

  6. Abortion and gay marriage policies aren't screwing the country up...bigger gov, higher taxes, and ballooning entitlement programs are...vote based on that.

    those 2 policies are what is losing the swing vote for the Republican Party.  To say if a woman is raped she should have the baby is just crazy talk and turns people off.

  7. i dont care about a party. Im not old school, I care about which person can get the job done best lol. 

    the problem is it seems as though every 4 years we have to choose who will screw up the country less.  I think until Republicans come towards the middle on certain issues like abortion and gay marriage, they are in an uphill battle.

  8. It might actually be funny for the first time in 10 years.  Comedians are lining up to play Trump

    I think you'll see Paul and Walker with his awkward smile and head bobbing also.

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