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Everything posted by HurricaneCal

  1. Up until yesterday they were the 2 seed in a loaded western conference. The problem in the playoffs becomes coaching adjustment in game and from game to game matter more. Mchale is probably the worst at that in the NBA.
  2. Lose the tie breaker with the Spurs and Grizzlies I don't know about the Clippers. But if you end up in the 4,5 game that's no Bueno. Doesn't matter because they've got the worst point guard play in the west and the weakest coach in the playoffs. Bad combo!
  3. If they lose tonight, could slip to a 5 or even a 6 seed.
  4. Rangers are really in trouble if Holland misses time. Didn't the Astros have a winning record against them last year though? The first series they faced some really good pitching. I still they think they will strike out a lot this year, especially with Carter in the every day lineup.
  5. Where is my man Baddog? [Hidden Content]
  6. also he said that he didn't believe that anyone that age was ready off the field.
  7. It would suck in the last week of the season to go from 2 to 5 or 6 seed!
  8. This is unreal, first Duke gets all them calls, now this.....again!!!!
  9. Buddy G did lloyds momma have a jersey dress on?
  10. Anyone else watch that story that was narrated by Geno about the high school coach in Idaho? Eyes got a little watery!
  11. especially losing two possessions and at one time in the second half 10-3 on fouls!
  12. You answered your own question, that's one of the reasons they are so great. Funny how the officials actually go to the replay and still blow it, come on man!
  13. oh I mentioned it on fb, got a lot of Dook lovers on there. They got 5 points in critical situations, but that's the way the cookie crumbles I guess.
  14. Nope, I just think this is why Duke is so hated. I mean honestly they go to the monitor and get it wrong.
  15. It's like Calipari saying against Notre Dame we just didn't play well, he was being honest. I mean the officials went to the monitor and missed a call.
  16. Welp the ball changing direction didn't matter!
  17. Duke has been much better without Okafor!
  18. At least it's not a blowout and is a great game.
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