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Posts posted by HurricaneCal

  1. Yes.....It can. In this instance, that is not what caused her to go to jail......assualt is what caused her to go to jail. 

    I still say that if he handed her the warning or ticket and just said have a nice day ma'am that this wouldn't be an issue at all.  Yes she was extremely rude even at the beginning of the stop, but there are too many things that happened here that didn't need to.

  2. Her overall attitude in general led to the escalation of the situation.  When you're pulled over for something that could land you in a jail cell, it's probably best to be polite, such as putting out your cigarette so you're not blowing smoke in the officer's face while he's got his face down in your window.

    Pulled over for not using your turn signal could land you in a jail cell?  I see policeman all the time do it!  I do it!

  3. Do you really believe they aren't better?  I am 58 and remember segregated schools, little league, etc... in fact, now in PAISD The Football, basketball, volleyball, track, golf, baseball, softball coaches as well as the AD, Supt., principals, dept heads, 99% of the School Board, all non-whites? Am I correct?


    I'm 41 so I wasn't around for the same timeframe.  I'm referencing my life experiences, high school and Navy, etc.  you go on the mess decks on a ship, you'll have groups of Sailors eating together.  Phillipinos eating with Phillipinos, Hispanics with Hispanics, Whites with Whites, Blacks with Blacks.  There's absolutely no segregation there, but that's the way at is.  The question is why?  I grew up in a small town in Virginia.  South Hill where there isn't much, we were a 2A high school.  There is a movie theatre there that had to shut their doors because the owner refused to let 4 kids in who were flying the rebel flag on their truck.  So there was going to be a rebel flag rally there this weekend.  So in my town where I grew up, no race relations aren't any better.  It goes back to the people who wouldn't make the cake for the gay couple.  The right to refuse service to anyone.  Discrimination is discrimination any way you cut it, people hide behind the "it's my religious beliefs".  I can't speak for the PAISD statistics, I don't know them.  I would be willing to bet though that there are the same numbers in other school districts that are reversed.  How do we as communities fix that?

  4. ​His opinion......Should he not be able to express it?

    Let me ask you this.......

    I think Obama is a bad President, he has helped divided the races. I think Sharpton and those like him are race baiter, just looking for fame and money. I think taking down the Confederate battle flag at war memorials was wrong. I think cops should be respected and you should do what you are told. I'm not a big fan of rap music......or classical.

    So, with that information........Am I a racist?  Could I not be a police officer? What about a Manager that manages all races?

    Should I not volunteer at the food bank anymore because of my beliefs? I also volunteered my time for the students of Memorial, I gave them a finance class.....I was planning on doing it again......should I not?

    I want honest answers  

    I think often times people come(jump) to conclusions without educating themselves on the issues.  I would agree with a lot of what you said, but I would also say the respect thing goes both ways with policeman.  It's the arrogant all mightier than now policeman that really make it difficult for the good ones.  I also agree that our country is more divided for whatever reason(I personally think both sides just can't find common ground).  There is never enough dialogue and you can't have a conversation about differences without it becoming personal or just a plain ole argument.  I think people in our country need to have more respect for each other regardless of what sex, religion, race, or whatever.  That seems to be lost in our culture.  We've agreed on some things Hippy and we've disagreed on some things.  I'd have beer with you though (if you drink), I'd probably learn a thing or two.

  5. ​Come on CougarCal, i am talking Football :)

    I guess my name is worth less than $10 on the other side of the Trinity  Lol

    Cal, does our District finally get a 1st rd playoff win??

    I always say wait until it all plays out and look at the match ups.  Somebody always surprises and to me it depends on who gets in.  I think Crosby and Dayton will be tough outs over here.  King will still have the best QB and RB combo IMO, just want to see what else they have.  The forth spot is up for grabs with KP losing a lot and having a new coach and a much improved New Caney team.  It's going to be a fun year.

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