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Everything posted by HurricaneCal

  1. The NFL wants to suspend(kick him out of the game) Marshawn Lynch for wearing gold cleats, where are their priorities really if they don't do something once they gather all of the facts. Seems worse than a double standard to me!
  2. My personal opinion is if the school you are transferring from doesn't have a problem then neither should the NCAA.
  3. I'll tie it together real quick, Bellichek loves Saban, Saban has Kiffin on his staff while at USC the ball boy got caught deflating balls against Oregon.
  4. If you remember during the game when the ball hit Amendola in the hands Phil Simms said the ball came out funny.
  5. I gotta wait to see how healthy Earl and Sherman are. One thing Belichek is so good at is taking away what the other team does best.
  6. He studied enough to beat 3 of the top 10 teams in the nation in row and he was a young honest pup when he tweeted that, at least he wasn't politically correct and he was honest. I personally never said or did anything stupid when I was 19-20 years old.
  7. Tim Tebow stayed, said and did all of the right things, drafted in the first round, didn't make it. The list goes on and on, young kid made a post on FB or Twitter, so he won't make it?
  8. No guarantee he starts next year at Ohio State, if you're gonna sit, might as well make the money. New father, biggest arm in the draft, stock is high even though he's only started 3 games, go get the money. A guy like Matt Cassel never started a college game. He'll get drafted on potential, maybe to a good team and sit.
  9. Healthy Aaron Rodgers and I'd give the Packers a chance. Seattle will make him move and that's the difference between them and the Cowgirls. Seattle by 10.
  10. Pats, Colts got drilled earlier in the year. Won't be as bad this time, look for Blount to have a big game along with Gronk.
  11. Buddy G, Georgia Tech will probably win the ACC next year. Probably need to go undefeated to get a spot in the final four or they'll be on the outside looking in.
  12. I'm a little slow on this Monday. I'll say that the Texans have missed way more than they've hit. 2012 was one of the worst drafts they've had. Personal opinion is Rick Smith should go. It's always easy to look back and say what they should've done, but just like last year the 2nd round and third round picks, come on man!
  13. Worse playing surface in the NFL. They need to get that fixed.
  14. Sitting at home with no playoffs, same place as the Cowboys now, but on the bright side, will have a better draft pick.
  15. Saw a Facebook post from someone who had a birthday celebration out tgere and said the atmosphere and food were great.
  16. I think the bond that was passed last year includes money to upgrade the stadium. I don't know how much of 86.5 million is going for that.
  17. When female kickers have played in college don't you think they had special lockers set up and only had access to the locker room like when everyone was dressed. What makes this different?
  18. Actually think he is trying to improve his draft stock. Think about a team that needs to rebuild their image, taking a chance on him earlier than he was expected to go. Who knows.
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