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Posts posted by HurricaneCal

  1. As bad as it is for Williams it's good that even in the one and done era some of these top recruits and their parents are looking for the future by looking at the academic side of the school as well just how the basketball program fits.

    The one and done players are looking for who can compare them the most for the NBA. They could care less about the academics. Coach Cal and K do that the best right now.
  2. Good! For what it would have taken to get AP, they could have kept Murray. All RBs are licking their chops to run behind that O-line. Who will we get? Can't wait for draft day. Please JJ, if a Stephen Jackson is there when you pick, don't trade down and take a Julius Jones. Thank you.

    I was willing to bet the house they were going to take Jackson, woulda lost a bunch.
  3. Closed fist, he meant to hit him. Definitely didn't mean to injure his knee. That's what happens with all of these crappy fouls that teams get away with because they are "playoff fouls". People get frustrated and do stupid things. So many hard crappy fouls when players are not making a play on the basketball. No place for it in the game.
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