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Posts posted by HurricaneCal

  1. So, Wisconsin's ball and they win? No one can guarantee that would have happened but it is a loser's mentality. (Just one more chance and we could have won) you guys kill me. Jones put on a clinic that Wisconsin could not overcome.

    especially losing two possessions and at one time in the second half 10-3 on fouls!
  2. What a fantastic win by Duke. I love all the haters responses. They always only see one side of the game. There were blown calls on both sides but I will never convince any of the haters. If Duke gets all the calls, why is it that they have been to 11 championship games and only won 5?

    I was going to award the MVP to Allen until Jones cut loose to finish Wisconsin off.

    You answered your own question, that's one of the reasons they are so great. Funny how the officials actually go to the replay and still blow it, come on man!
  3. that tipped ball blown call overshadowed the play about a minute earlier where Duke got an and-1 opportunity after a ref standing just a couple of feet away somehow missed Justise Winslow stepping out of bounds before "saving" the ball to Okafor for a layup. I'm surprised how many people are mentioning one without the other. The group package is more telling.

    oh I mentioned it on fb, got a lot of Dook lovers on there. They got 5 points in critical situations, but that's the way the cookie crumbles I guess.
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