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Posts posted by HurricaneCal

  1. 2 minutes ago, panamamyers said:

    Coach needs to tell qb at half. Count to 2 and get rid of the ball. Had they only not been offside on the inside kick....probably would be leading now. Need to make one read and throw the ball in the second half. if no one open, throw it in the ground in the vicinity or out of bounds.

    So the O-line is holding up well?

  2. 4 hours ago, aledoalumni said:

    I've done some homework on them. They are really solid for being a #4 seed. We will have to show up and compete. No easy games.  

    Always give a respectful answer.  You should say, not a chance.  We’re going to take em behind the woodshed and get ready for round 2!

  3. Crosby couldn’t block LaPorte, KP, BH, PAM, pretty much nobody.  I often wonder about the play calling, but in all honesty when you are limited up front it does impact the game that Coach P is calling.  I don’t see much success blocking either L team from up north. Going to have to be mistake free, get a fake punt or something like that and just hope they have a chance late.  A lot to ask for!  

  4. 23 minutes ago, Cougar14.2 said:

    I really didn't see 6 or 7 dropped interceptions? I saw Nelson and one of the other dbs drop one but the others looked like plays that just weren't made. I thought that sophomore QB from Lancaster played well against LV, 19-32 for 206 with one TD 0 ints and 88 rushing yards. If any of his other receivers besides #0 could catch they probably leave Lobo Stadium with a win. LV was fortunate Lancaster sucks in the kicking game too. You don't win many when your QB goes 4-10 for 70 yards with one TD and two picks. LV also got a break on the TD he threw to Hale because either the LT/TE on that side wasn't set before the ball was snapped. To your point though, good teams prevail even despite those issues. 

    I think part of the reason we've looked so bad on the o-line this year is because the receivers have been banged up, meaning you can just play a bunch of guys in the box and confuse the linemen as to what their assignments should be. The receivers have been getting healthier in recent weeks which is why I think we've thrown for nearly 1,000 yards and 12 tds with 0 ints over the last three games. As far as blocking LV I think y'all have to commit personnel to the box for that to be an issue. LV doesn't have a Kam Bizor or Dylan Spencer like CE King did that could dominate individual matchups and they don't have the speed like the like the FB Marshall kids on the d-line committed to Baylor and TCU. What they do have is a great back end that buys time for kids like Billy Smith who's probably an average player at 90% of schools in the state but great in LV's scheme. All in all I think Crosby will be ok on offense if we can throw the ball accurately to open receivers while avoiding turnovers and penalties. 

    Crosby struggles with the veer/slot-t type run games, not really your typical spread run game. LV runs the ball from a spread pretty often but when they don't they're usually running power and zone out of a pro set. The one play Crosby struggles with out of that set is the counter and LV doesn't really run it, or at least not in the Lancaster and Tyler games I've watched so far. I think Crosby will load the box and try to make Allen beat us with his arm. Hopefully we can pick him off a time or two like Lancaster did when he tries to force it to Hale. 

    Like I've already said, we could come up there and get crop dusted from whistle to whistle but I could also see Crosby coming up there and dropping 30+ on LV and having them on the ropes in the second half. I guess that's why we have to line it up though.

    Man, I’m glad you’re back lol!

  5. 56 minutes ago, navydawg31 said:

    Yes we will, but Never count out Crosby. 

    I’m going to probably hurt some feelings. Move back here and my first son graduated in 2014.  I’ve watched Crosby since about 2010.  This is the worst O-line I’ve seen and honestly the least athletic all around.  The kids do battle though.  I asked last night when I got to the game if they were healthy and I was told yep no more excuses tonight. Then I look and man something is just missing.  I’ll drive to Longview to watch, but dang I feel like it’s the worse kind of situation.  Those people trashing the defense, remember the D really only gave up 28 last night.  The offense turned it over at the 2 and they returned a kickoff for a td.  I don’t think they will hold up at all against Longview though(in the first half).  

  6. 1 hour ago, aledoalumni said:

    Couple of thoughts.

    1st- Really fun game to watch.

    2nd- #17 for La Porte is a baller

    3rd- Thought La Porte ran an illegal play going in to score on their final drive. The QB pitched the ball to the RB then the RB handed the ball off in front of him and the QB passed it. I thought it has to be a handoff backwards for the QB to be able to pass the ball. 

    4th- Thought #4 for Crosby could have got a flag for taunting after the hook and ladder. 

    5th- Great composure by Crosby to finish the game and go down and win

    6th- Crosby is going to get thumped by Longview. 

    7th- Had to mute the game, didnt really care for the announcing on that one.  

    #2 correct.  After the first kickoff, I said I wouldn’t kick it to #17 again.  

    #6 correct gonna be a long drive, there and back.

  7. I stopped by the whataburger in LaPorte and talked to one of the dads and the kids last night, tough ballgame.  It’s crazy the dad was pointing out the same plays where we were scratching our heads and I pointed out some things where he was like yeah I didn’t understand that.  They were watching the World Series and we all took another L right there in dag gum Whataburger!

  8. 37 minutes ago, LoboFan07 said:

    That might've been the worst prevent defense I've ever seen by a football team.

    Crosby waving to La Porte's side just...lol. Can't wait for two weeks after seeing that classless display.

    You didn’t see what was going on during the game.  I won’t call out the numbers but let’s just say it went both ways.

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