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Posts posted by HurricaneCal

  1. 5 hours ago, Unwoke said:

    About as good as Crosby’s right now. We have our ups and downs. It’s all good. I support the kids regardless. One thing I don’t do, is put a target on our boys which is stupid as all get out. 

    Nothing on a silly little board like this or that smoaky crap “puts a target on the boys”. If they’re worried about that, then your coaches are worried about the wrong ish!!!

  2. Just now, TradenupBH said:

    I was told play calling was suspect especially towards end of game for y’all.

    I was thinking the first half, run it for 12, 3 incomplete passes.  Then a couple more times in the second half, just head scratchers! Still had a chance to win.  I see a possible sweep in the 1st round of the playoffs for our district though in all honesty.  I hope not though.

  3. 19 minutes ago, TradenupBH said:

    Let’s be honest, the Crosby fans knew there was a chance they would get beat by BH. That’s the reason they were coming up with silly things like us not having a bunch FBS kids, etc. The tide is turning and they know it. BH is growing really fast and starting to get better. There’s a ton of underclassmen on varsity including freshman. Future looks bright Eagles.

    When you hit 6A and have to play North Shore and CE King after the next realignment, you’re going to want that growth to slow down a tad.  

  4. 39 minutes ago, Separation Scientist said:

    I already said football is the most important sport, but not infinitely so. Look back and re-read.

    With that established, I'll spell it out for you again:

    You are W-R-O-N-G to say no one else cares about any other sports. When BH won State in Baseball and Softball in a two week span, I am sure some heads exploded.    




    Nah, Denny is a quality coach, has been for a long time.  Was happy for him and the kids.  

  5. 1 hour ago, TradenupBH said:

    Have to toughen up the kids somehow. Y’all say we soft, now you saying we’re mean. Which is it?

    It’s in the authority’s hands now, let’s just hope those kids are okay and can survive the negligence of BHISD

  6. On 9/10/2022 at 9:55 PM, BlackShirts5 said:

    My man said not coming after crosby fans but threw all the sauce at them in the 1st post.   lol Tuned in

    All the sauce was actually predicting it would take a bad call for them to pull out a 7 point victory.  Not much sauce there.  I will say this though, at least he posted. 

  7. 39 minutes ago, panamamyers said:

    Sorry but these teams were fairly evenly matched. Lee threw an INT that turned the momentum as well and got an easy TD for Crosby. Failed fourth and one. Rouging the punter to give Crosby the ball again when down two scores in the fourth.  Vrosby punt rolling down to the 1 from what was about a 30 yard punt turning into a 55 yard punt.

    Lots of opportunities missed both ways.

    Crosby is obviously bigger and faster and looks like a formidable 5A team while Lee looks like  a 3A team. Lee's coaching and execution keeps them in it though.

    A formidable 5A team and one that looks like a 3A team are fairly evenly matched! I’m trying to understand, I really am.

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