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Posts posted by HurricaneCal

  1. If 22-5A only wins one I will eat light. But, if we go 2-2 I may punish liltex and eat a little more. I want him to pig out if he wins this bet since he was the only 21-5A poster with the stones to wager.

    Now hold on a minute, I think Liltex just likes to wager, he gave me 3 td's when Dayton played Crosby. I didn't take the bet Jake because I thought the early game today 22-5A was going to win.
  2. Being a Navy retiree I was unable to make a ton of my kid's events during the years especially when I was on sea duty. It would be difficult for me to say shame on you parents for not supporting your kids. I am blessed that I can afford to fill up my car and go watch my son play hours away. Some people aren't as fortunate. I don't walk in their shoes so I can't be throwing stones.
  3. My takes from the game
    1. Dang it was cold
    2. Sometimes I would like the COOGS to puns the rock a little more
    3. Why did 25 not touch the ball more for Ozen
    4. Crosby has got to play a little more mistake free, holding calls are killing drives
    5. Offense can't keep giving up points
    6. I liked the 4 and it looked like 5 man fronts they ran tonight on defense

    Good win, now another tough matchup most likely next week, but execute and it should be a good game!
  4. It's all about matchups
    KING vs CENTRAL, two evenly matched teams with really good running backs and QBs, should be a lot of points scored in that one
    Nederland vs Kingwoood Park, my opinion is Neumann will have a game plan that takes them to the second round, kingwood park hangs around though it could get interesting
    Dayton vs PNG, if PNG has the right game plan they have a real good shot, I've expressed that to some of the injuns on here, you know who you are. Dayton is very scrappy and seems to play well this time of year.
    Crosby vs Ozen, Crosby needs to sustain drives and not get silly penalties, the QB from Ozen out of the pocket can be dangerous.

    4 good matchups and it's almost time, dang it's going to be cold tonight. Good luck to all and hopefully everyone stays healthy.

    Disclaimer: BF is a good coach!
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