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Posts posted by HurricaneCal

  1. Different Crosby team this year, they play solid D and grind a little more on offense. Last year when they got holding penalties or false start on first down they were able to over come that. This year when that has happened they are drive killers. They need to cut down on mistakes, hopefully they solve the snapping issues(every snap last week was high), and sustain drives. They aren't over looking anyone, Coach Rio won't let that happen.
  2. The games I watched png last year it looked like timeouts were burned at weird times. It looked to be either unsure of what to call or changing the play too late in the play clock. I watched the Central game last year and wondering why they weren't running the ball more. IMO arm chair opinion each week is a different matchup and you adjust to what is working and your team is capable of. That's what makes Neumann so good!
  3. I think, we can, you should, they are, who is, you know, look back, but they did, your, weak, no we are weak, but she said, no he said, last year, 7 years, 4 years, Nederland did, Central did, Crosby couldnt, Dayton didnt, we did, you didnt, think so, maybe not........... Hes hurt, Hes better, your worse, they didnt......

    I was trying to connect the dots and come up with an answer!
  4. No agony of defeat, that's fact. Fourth and 15 you have to contain the QB and not let scrable for a first down. Williams gained approx 111 yards on 2 carries. That's fact, not agony of defeat. 2 of your players were grabbing the officials after every call, fact. I've said in other post the King had the best QB RB combo in our district, special players make those plays. Hopefully, if it gets tough the rest of your team keeps their emotions in check. I really liked #46 and how he went about trying to keep them focused.
  5. I just don't see a blow out against anyone in the playoffs. The defense got extremely tired against King and that up tempo in the second half. Offense is still not consistent enough to blow anyone out. Most complete game by far was the 2nd game of the year against Angleton. I don't believe in good losses but hopefully last Friday night makes them focus on the little things that killed em.
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