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mystery man

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Everything posted by mystery man

  1. Come on oilers lets get a Win!!!
  2. I have to agree the coaches at BH has their faults, but we all do. Overall the coaches do an outstanding job all the way down to the Middle School. The program that BH runs has very little room for horse playing. Alot of kids are use to doing what they want to do, when they want to do. I am a supporter of the program and coaches at BH. I have seen teams with little talent and have had a winning season due to the workout program our kids are put through.
  3. Maybe we should call some of the "Crazy Moms" from last year to come out and get everyone up on their feet!!
  4. the hill will role on to face lcm...
  5. thats why my name is mystery man im from everywhere. you dont know where im from. i got to keep all of yal guessing
  6. ive seen the tape its cleary evident that dayton cutt in with out a full stride lead its a shame thats the way they make it to state instead of earing it
  7. you know if it would have happend to dayton they would be crying. who are you setexfan you sound like you are one of those dads who still thinks there in high school.
  8. why dont you meet him somewhere setexfan.
  9. bh would have a better chance if it was a one game series instead of 3 bc they have ross hales that thamn kid going to get lit up.
  10. now gringo i got to keep all of yal guessing you think i would have told you where i was from? come on be real
  11. well im going to the combine and im from commerce texas. TCU has allready offerd me. i play LB im 6,6 250 with a 4.5 40yd dash on the bench i did 40 reps of 185. i ran my shuttle in 4.19. if you come in the middle with me ill jack you up.
  12. all i have against bh is that they are so cocky ive watched them play for years... they think they're kings of "the hill" but they're really just in a WEAK district
  13. well i tried to meet you in person before but imagine that you didnt show up....
  14. you dont have any comments for me eagle07 or did you just realize i speak the truth....
  15. eagle07 from what ive seen smiley coundn't hit the broad side of a barn. There hitting was terrible i could of struck out 15 in a row with 2 casts on my hands. very weak team not improved at all i dont know what you are seeing about there improvment.
  16. sounds like your one of stalker myspace girls or something
  17. well randy4bb from what ive watched the starters come out in eather the 2 or 3rd inning but its just a weak district
  18. ya i knew you would run and hide
  19. what the matter EAGLE07 cat got you tongue
  20. well if you can read real well you dont you meet me at the next game at barbers hill... and youll find your mud hole
  21. pj is the real deal but thats only 2 players you said it was full of them i mean come on give me a break.
  22. ok gringo you named one.... in a whole district and hes just a junior wheres all your other studs that claim this district has
  23. eagle07.... u need to learn to realize that yal arent that good youve just been getting lucky. huffman going to stomp a mud hole in yals Ace
  24. every teams ranked that high when they dont play anybody. look at the district yal are in. i dont think there are any stud baseball players.
  25. eagle07 your probualy one of those dads who thinks there still in high School.
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