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Everything posted by IT'S IN THE BONE

  1. IMO.... playoff - Coldspring Kirbyville Trinity, Woodville Buna Kountze Warren ****I agree with take otherwise
  2. I would have liked Hardin to stay but either way its a tough trip!
  3. Well it helps to have that source...but like I said did not see Trinity but I did not know their numbers at the time...glad they adjusted moving EC and AP out but Should have left Hardin...but big thanks to my old farmer friend and his resourceful UIL insight! LMBO!
  4. I think 1st may be a bit ambitious but I love the confidence...if you don't have a vision, you can't accomplish anything! Best of luck.
  5. Called it...Coldspring goes east...did not expect Trinity at the time but did not no their numbers. WOW...tough tough district!
  6. way to go kid! have fun with and work hard!
  7. I agree with this for the most part accept I think Kountze, Hardin and Anahauc will be in a fight for the 4 hole and if Buna has a couple of off games to anyone of those three...well you see where I am going...will be another fun year to follow.
  8. sony think they will waiver? Because if they don't UIL is not gonna travel those kids as far as they would have to go to get in another 3-A D1 district
  9. From my perspective I see Coldspring coming down to 3A - D1 and the only place feasible I see them going is into the district with: EC, Kirbyville, Buna, Anahauc, Hardin, Kountze, Woodville, Warren.....Coldspring? 9 TEAMS Does anybody see another way than sending them this way? Everything north and east is 3A - D2 with no changes and the closest seems to be the district 3A - D1 district 14 and that twice the distance ...going North 3A - D1 district 11 which there again is twice the travel distance. SO...from my perspective...welcome Coldspring to 3A - D1 District 13! now this is all hinging on the official numbers which I have not seen just responding to a post by Bob4Life on the other thread talking about realignment numbers.
  10. Just FYI...Grayland did place 2nd at state in the 100...I think that's right? Lol anyway I know he said he wanted that top spot and training for that will certainly help him in football. As I understand track will be his focus now along with the weight room...wish the kid the best, but just don't put your team on a YOYO. I agree with OldSchool on that front...JMO
  11. Hate to here that for the sake of Kountze Basketball...although being in such a weak district with maybe exception to EC...Kountze will still be a playoff team but winning district could be a much tougher challenge. Yes some will go far to the left and be like the Waterboy movie and say "on no we suck again" but let's be real Kountze will hold its own in most cases but they will have zero depth and no room for injury or grade issues...now for my black sheep thoughts...if Arnold is not playing how does that affect the other players? Do more hang up the high tops or do they embrace it and take it as their time to shine? Time will tell the tale.
  12. I agree just seems like Kountze is great at trying to be different! Lol...not many school districts can say they had an athletic trainer as the AD...but like I said you are probably right. I just hope for the sake of the kids in Kountze that the folks with the control make good decisions.
  13. I here what you are saying, but you are talking about a school district that has given the AD position to an Athletic Trainer while having a separate Head Football Coach and a Basketball Coach and Kountze has also paid for an Asst. AD under Lance Dale and Tracy Franklin...that Asst. was Joubert...once again just sayin...JMO...you are most likely correct Mike but don't be surprised.
  14. 2 playoff appearances in 41 years...hey man when they are that scarce one would like get credit for what they can...LOL...gonna give my prediction on AD/Coaching...Joubert keeps AD and a Head football Coach is hired and Joubert hands off the Basketball job after this year leaving him as AD only. I have no source and have run no swab on this topic, just MY OPINION and I could be 100% wrong (this statement does not represent anyone's position or political view and is not the position of any organization or district entity and strictly represents the views of the author...) sorry guys had to throw that out so I don't get harpooned or receive a party foul!
  15. According to Graylands Twitter..."can't wait to hoop it up" plus several other tweets about ring chasing...so I would say he plans on playing Basketball. Best of luck Lions
  16. Congrats Kelby...keep it tight and work hard!
  17. JUCO IS AGREAT WAY TO GO...many talented kids have gone that way and have gone on to big things and at the least got an education...as far as not playing and saving the money to just pay for school...lol...thought about that many times, but no price tag can be put on the time I was able to spend with my son and allowing your kid to chase a dream...WORTH EVERY CENT!
  18. Warren without a doubt.
  19. ​true...we will see
  20. Williams hired as teacher only...no dual contract.
  21. ​Not suprised at all about Price! Great job kid
  22. Great step in the right direction for Ozen...obviously have some athletes...coach them up with some Baseball 101 and 201 in some cases and Ozen will complete. I like to see schools reaching out for the new blood and hiring fresh enthusiastic coaches.
  23. All this black and white junk is for the birds. You live in a country that gives you every opportunity to be better and too better your life and your families life, but you have to want it and you have to work for it...whites , blacks and every other race have a a certain percentage that just don't care and will live on the charities of others, so no one race owns that t-shirt. I just want each and every person that fails to stop trying to find somebody else to blame it on and just own it and move on to the next opportunity. You can be anything in America...you can even be black and be The President of the United States of America.
  24. ​Maybe the media does but all I here is how everybody else is to blame for their lot in life...man I have many of a friend who are proud black men and they will tell you that their own race is not doing enough to combat the degradation of the Black Youth of America...Brotha I really do care, I care enough to say it and face scrutiny from guys like yourself. If you think your leaders and parents are doing a good job than do nothing and within 5 years if its better than I owe you an apology if not than you have my deepest empathy. But before you do look at the Crime stats and more important homicide rates where the victim is black and the perpetrator is black and then look at the incarceration numbers resulting from such crimes. I know there are good folks trying but more have to try harder...that's all and I do apologize if I offended you or anyone else...I do care a great deal but if a white man standing up and speaking out in support of Black America, and it is heart felt support, causes ill feeling than I will sit down and keep my mouth shut. Best of luck my friend and God Bless!
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