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Everything posted by TXsTorn8do

  1. Count me....I voted!!!  Good Luck!!!
  2. The Final Score was BC 26 Silsbee 22. Heck of a battle!
  3. Very proud of the Cardinals!  You guys proved ALOT of people wrong and never quit!!!  Lots to be proud of this year and nobody could ever question the heart of this team!  Good luck to all the rest of the teams!!!  ;D
  4. Does anybody know anything about Austin Ave? It is the street that by the Jr. High that connects up to Idylwood. Thanks a million!
  5. Thanks TVC....That made her feel lot's better ;D She wouldn't believe me and what I was trying to tell. We are about 8ft above SL at my house. When Rita came she had a 9 1/2 ft surge at the Rainbow Bridge and there was water over 87 and shut us off from PA. I know we are on a different side but Rita so far was stronger and hit very close to home.....Just trying to reason it out. ??? Thanks again TVC! :)
  6. Can someone help?? My wife is hysterical....she heard another station say BC will entirely go under water......Can anyone confirm or refute what was said??? Hoop??? Any evidence out there to what might happpen in BC??? MY Favorite station has only reported that the road from BC to PA may be cut off.....that's all I have heard.
  7. Hey Hoop??? At the current strength or a little stronger to a possible Cat 3....I know Hwy 87 between BC and PA will be underwater....but how about BC proper itself?? Are we gonna need a canoe to be able to go to Wal-Mart? ???
  8. grizzly you too! I think we are staying behind as well....we have plenty of steaks in the freezer that will need to be cooked! ;D We will pray for your safe travel and return..... Don't come to BC if your gonna try to take advantage of people that have left....we will all be in our boats.....with our neighborhood watch program!
  9. All Orange County Schools CLOSED on Thursday and Friday!
  10. You sure Hoop??? I thought this was a good thing staying WNW?
  11. You guys won't have to leave.... Down here there are no calls for evacuations...but....it's been said they will possibly be called sometime later today. I will tell you that there are no hotels available up your way...LA, MS, AL...I found 2 rooms in Pensacola....Wow! You will have alot of folks from down here coming to visit....tell everyone to be kind. And thanks for all you do....My wife is a RN at the local hospital and if we have to leave then she has to stay....they waited to late to call the evacuations and all the resources have been sent South! > There is really not enough time to get everyone out. Rita did 50k damage to our house....if you look at both tracks...they are almost the SAME! That's why everyone is nervous...plus with this one...we are on the bad side....At least with Rita we were on the good side and just had to deal with 120mph winds. Thanks again and maybe we'll see you soon! :'(
  12. XG....not that I am the resident expert....cause I'm not....but.....I would much rather be up there than down here when it comes ashore. To answer your question, you will probably have some tropical storm winds and depending if it slows down....some rain....or ALOT of rain. Keep us all on the Gulf Coast in your prayers....this is truly nerve racking! >
  13. Hey Hoop! When do you expect for them to call for evacuations for GT?? When do you think the rest of the schools will close? Isn't there a meeting of the minds about now???? Sorry for the run of questions...
  14. Thanks Hoop! I know that's still to close! Good night all....I am heading to the gas station....just in case!
  15. I'm with you Scooter! Maybe the bugs will get blown to Mexico!
  16. How far is it from Freeport as the crow flies?? Anyone..?? And again....I am sorry if this has been asked.
  17. Thanks Baseball.....With Rita....Jasper wan't far enough! > AND.....lots of people stranded up that way due to no gas!
  18. Thanks Hoop....now I might can sleep.... I think I am gonna go fill up my cars before the evacs are called.
  19. Hey Hoop! I know this has probably been asked and I must have missed it....but....if it strikes between Galveston and Freeport what kind of winds would we have at the Lakes? Thanks...and sorry if this has already been answered....
  20. Don't scare us HOOP! Just do your thing!
  21. Thanks HOOP! We appreciate you! ;D
  22. Hope you are right HOOP! ;D LUFAN....glad you are ok....Drunk drivers need to be put under the jail! > Hey HOOP! The 2 a.m. update will be the next big one.....then when's the next? Have you heard of any Orange County Schools closing??? It's mind boggling that the games are canceled but so far the schools haven't??? ??? Many people can't and or won't leave because the schools are not officially closed. It's going to be hell if they close them early during the day and parents have to go get their kiddo's and then try to leave. I got it...that's how they can stagger the evacuations! Just close Jefferson County Schools at 8am....Hardin County at 10 then Orange at Noon! ??? ;D I am getting delirously tired watching and waiting.....sheesh.
  23. Oman....LUFAN! Where did this happen?
  24. Oh sheesh.....Good luck over that way!
  25. YAY! Ike now moving WNW at 9mph....still 100mph winds! ;D Hope it stays WNW!
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