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Everything posted by TXsTorn8do

  1. It does stink WOS....but she is dedicated....Just want her safe!
  2. LOL WOS....Looks like we are ALL on the same team now! ;D By the way, the Mustangs do look impressive this year!
  3. Where ya headed Bulldog? I am waiting till tomorrow late night so hopefully the traffic won't be as bad....It will be easier on the kids...they can sleep. However, my wife has to stay behind at the hospital! :'(
  4. I hope so Hoop....It's really ashame! Let us know what you find out!
  5. How about we all exchange some good Karma and maybe Ike will go away? If Ike don't go away....when we all come back at least we helped each other in the time of need! 8)
  6. LCM....I found 2 rooms in Pensacola FL. >
  7. Looks like we are all awaiting that 2 a.m. update..... ;D I would rather get it from COOP than The Weather Channel! My wife is an RN in ICU at the Medical Center....She confirmed that if mandatory evacs are called....they don't have the resources to get the people out. Everything was sent South and they can't get them back in time. They don't want to have patients or people stranded on the road with an inbound hurricane. My thoughts....They sent everything South. The Golden Triangle Counties don't have the buses or ambulances to get everyone out in time. Not to panic anyone but if it moves closer to us...we could be in huge trouble! :'(
  8. COOP has been saying Freeport for 2 days! :) Hope you are right ;D ;D
  9. > > > I don't have flood insurance! > > >
  10. Stay up with me and COOP.... Lazeek ;D ;D..... I need to get another crown and coke...Want one ????? I am sure COOP is going to need a LONG Vacation after this one.....Talk about Hurricane Fatigue! >
  11. COOP....I know you said Ike is suppose to go more WNW....What will cause that? Is the High Pressure building back up?? Also, A Strong 3 or 4 in Galveston....how much water could we expect over here in BC??? Would BC look like Cameron?
  12. Bruin...You can stay with my mother-in-law and go to Disney World!
  13. Goodnight and Good Luck! Thanks for the Karma Boost!
  14. Lazeek...also explain how to give Karma or smite someone..... ???
  15. Thanks!! Gimme more! Gimme more!!
  16. Jim Cantore = COOP Wannabe! That ought to help my Karma! Can someone help me out? ;D Please??? By the way....I had to book my hotel room in Pensacola, FL! Nothing in North Texas, LA, MS, or AL! Just some food for thought...when they call for the evacuations you might find a room in New York! You better call now just in case....remember....if things change you can cancel your room prior to 6pm the day you are going to arrive without penalty or having to pay for it.
  17. HEY!!! I HAVE A GREAT IDEA!!!! ;D Let's all gather over at COOP's and cuss and discuss this! I betcha COOP needs a strong adult refreshment....speaking of which I have a left over bottle of Crown from Gustav....and some cokes. ;D ;D ;D We can all bring what we are going to lose out of fridge's. (unless you have the generator left from Rita) And have one heck of a BBQ too! After it's all over we will be feeling pretty good, have our bellies full, and then we can ALL break out the chainsaws and help each other out like we have done before! Southeast Texans pulling together like we always do! By the way COOP....Kudo's and Thanks for ALL YOU DO! And to everyone else.....Just Pray and whatever you decide....be safe, patient and remember your family. God bless us and keep us safe!
  18. Yep...you're right! > > >
  19. Hey Coop......what's your best guess as to where landfall is going to be at this time??? I know it would only be a best guess.....I know it's gonna be close..... Also, depending on the guess and strength....let's say for arguements sake it's a stong Cat 2 or 3...what kind of storm surge and winds could we expect here in the Golden Triangle?
  20. Kountze 28 BC 26 BC missed a 2 point conversion to tie the game..... 28-6 halftime Kountze BC shutout Kountze 2nd half and came back to make it a good game. Good game to both teams!
  21. I have watched and am amazed at some of the assumptions....now here is my 2 cents. Remember what the first three letter of assume are...... ;D It does not have anything to do with his win/loss record. Nor is it because we lost to Jasper....I can assure you this still would have happened even if we would have won a State Championship. He has not stepped on any toes and this is not politically motivated. It has nothing to do with who he played when and where....even though he did pull up his nephew for the playoff run....his nephew is a good player. It's not because he didn't play somebodys kid over somebody else's and that parent had some stroke with the powers that be. This was not a surprise and was expected. It's a private matter and I sure the family would like to just stay that way....remember, he has been reassigned....not terminated from the district. :-X We wish Coach Bryant and his family our prayers and best wishes. The new coach will be successful and I am sure BC will have tons of applicants and will make the selection that's best for our kids and the district. ;D
  22. My question....is a football coach that uses colorful language, that may berate, grab him by the facemask and degrade a player because he didn't make a play or missed a block a bully? Football players are pulled all the time by the lack of results. What would be the difference in a football coach versus a softball coach saying or doing these things? I have never heard a football coach say, "it's ok sweetheart we'll get him next time just go out and have some fun". Is it because of the violence in football is more acceptable or because saying and doing these things to our young men compared to our darling daughters is more unthinkable? Now with those questions and thoughts in mind, I am not saying that it makes it right in either instance, but we have all been caught up in the "heat of the moment" while during "battle". I would like to think in both cases we would give the coach the benefit of the doubt. I would also believe in both cases you would be more apt to hear the softball coach say the incident would be regrettable but nothing would ever be said to or from the football coach. Again, I am not saying that either one is right, but I have never heard a softball coach say, "break her leg if you have to, make the pitcher bleed and get her out of the game because she is killing us....much less apologize." I honestly think we have some of the best and most respected coaches in the state in all sports with each one bringing their own unique talents and skills to their respective venues. I also believe until you walk in that persons shoes judgement should be reserved until we meet our maker! I guess you might say...."It's judgement call!" ;D ;D ;D
  23. Just wanted to congratulate the Bridge City Orangefield 14u's. They went undefeated to win the Nederland Tournament today. They beat Beaumont 4-2, Ned. NFusion 9-3, Ned. NForce 3-2 and in the Championship beat the NFusion again 7 -3. Good games played by all but the BCOF Pitcher Annelise Borg was to much, solid defense and some timely hits. Congratulations Girls! Here comes the next crop of JV and Varsity players in a couple of years! Today you are champions! Good luck to all the rest of the year!
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