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Everything posted by Wes57

  1. Hornets win big time. These guys are rolling ;D
  2. Liberty has some key injuries going into this week. Just like any small school, 1 or 2 injuries to key players can make a big difference. Should find out in the next day or two the status of these players. I'll make my prediction then. ;D
  3. Probably Tarkington playing as poorly as they have.
  4. Didn't see this one coming. HF looked pretty good last week and I thought they could pull out a win against EC. EC must really be playing some great football.
  5. Dayton will start its roll for the playoffs starting this week. Dugat is turning into a very awesome QB. Dayton wins this one big.
  6. Great job Hornets. Still rolling. Keep your heads up Oilers. These games are just getting you ready for district.
  7. It was a good game and went down to the final play as Stafford attempted a 50 yard FG to tie but it was short. Liberty still turning the ball over alot and we're not good enough to overcome many turnovers. A hard hitting game as 3 boys went to the emergency room. 2 from Liberty with seperated shoulders and the game was delayed probably close to 30 minutes as a Stafford player had to be put on a stretcher and taken by ambulance. Havent heard his condition and hope that he is ok. If anyone knows let us hear from you. Stafford has some big athletes but from what I hear they are really young so they might be a force in a year or two.
  8. I know he's not at Sante Fe anymore. He went somewhere else, can't remember where, to take a cordinators job. From what I understand they didn't re-new his contract.
  9. Look at the 7th picture from the top. At the bottom right, check out the block the big Hamshire Fannett lineman put on the Liberty player. Would that be a pancake in the making?
  10. I'd nominate the entire Hamshire Fannett offensive line.
  11. Way to go Hardin. 2-0 off to a great start.
  12. Hamshire Fannett has a big, tough ballclub and alot of talent. They will suprise in their district. They beat EC in this one
  13. I have to agree that Kountze beating HD. Alot of people said it could have been alot worse than it was.
  14. I do hope that Cody will be O.K. and be able to resume his QB duties but I remember making this statement before the season started. Dayton will be all right with A.J. at QB
  15. I had a bunch more but I'm just not in synch with this camera yet. Lots of blurry pictures. Hope I get better as the season goes on.
  16. Well I don't want to put a bunch of excuses about this game cause it probably wouldn't have matter on the outcome. The best way to describe it is that Hamshire Fannett put an old fashioned donkey stompin on us. These guys have alot of size and talent on this team. Best of luck on the rest of the season Longhorns. Liberty, keep your heads up. You gave it your all. Get ready for next week against Stafford. Eliminate the mistakes and we'll get on the right track. Good luck Liberty. I'll try to get some pictures posted tomorrow.
  17. The best way I can explain it is that the kids think the world of him and don't want him to go. What the schoolboard does is anybodys guess. Personally I hate to see him go. He works the kids hard but seems to always have them ready to play.
  18. Being from this area I can tell you that Jerry Stewart holds back no punches and will tell you like it is so if you ask him something don't expect him to sugar coat it for you. The friends I have in Dayton that are around him put him on a pedestal and think the world of him. His record speaks for itself. A fine coach. What is really great about him is his speaking ability at community functions. He is a great speaker and could probably be a comedian cause he has a great sense of humor. I promise you that he will have the Broncos focused during the year. District foes be ready.
  19. Thanks so much.
  20. Help again !!I've got the Nikon D40x and a 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 G IF-ED lens. My game pictures during the daylight have been perfect but using the camera on AUTO, like I do during daylight, alot of my pictures at night have been blurry. Any suggestions on what I should set the settings on this camera. I tinkered with it last night and for some reason it seems like I cant get the lens below 5.6.
  21. I think Kirbyville will take this one also.
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