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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. Spoke with black men. They are not voting for convicted felons this year
  2. No way! Nothing to do with the R or the D. His moral character is terrible.
  3. Biden has been in congress for four decades, but wasn't discussed much untill he spanked you know who.
  4. Stop watching Tucker Carlson people...........
  5. a little intelligence woud'nt hurt either
  6. Working folks have come in last place for a very long time. Not second place. wherever last place falls
  7. some off the democratic policies have been voted for by your republican politicians. They are out for themselves first and the tax paying citezens last. And vice versa.
  8. people such as yourself thing that anyone complaining about republican is a democrat.
  9. I kind of like some of Romney's ideas. Especially the help care plan he created when he was governor
  10. So you like every republican policy and no democrat policies? Im an independent anyhow. cannot join the clowns we have in office from BOTH sides
  11. I believe that I can meet better more honest people at a bar than at congress when everyone is present
  12. when they wrote the constitution it was ok to hang folks and harm women
  13. I also believe that john Mcain lost the presidential election becasue of Sarah
  14. I don't care for the current political climate whether it's democratic or republican. And don't understand why we can't find a president under the age of 75
  15. Funny some of you guys only like blacks that are republican.
  16. Why should black women hang their heads over Kamala Harris? My daughters definately shouldn't hang their heads over someone else
  17. 1-The Beatles 2- Bob Dylan
  18. He wasn't a joke in November 2021! Republicans would have lost the last two elections that they won if it was'nt for the elctorial college.
  19. [Hidden Content] This guy loves to kiss........
  20. No they know that dems don't have their backs and republicans just don't give a da.....
  21. Need more good people like Tucker Carlson bringing people together
  22. Crooked politicians and the big companies that pay them off steel more from the us government than welfare programs ever dreamed of
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