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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. I guess instead of low information voters, you guys were were only concerned with (yo) information voters.
  2. Why didn't Bush help his party get your man Romney elected?
  3. Bill Clinton was a much better President than any bush. Bush couldn't even campaign for the Republicans during the last election because it would have hurt Romneys chances. Bill Clinton campaigned for Obama.
  4. The approval rating of the current congress is 16%, the lowest ever. Why? Is this just because of democrats in congress?
  5. new tobie


    ........ [Hidden Content]
  6. 8yrs in the white house and retirement pay for life! not to bad for a community organizer.
  7. If you had a community organizing background, could you win two presidential terms? I will answer for you.......NO WAY!
  8. A lot of racial hate in the 60s.
  9. Thats PRESIDENT YOBAMA to you sir!
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. Why wasn't this posted also   [Hidden Content]
  13. I wonder if their is any signficance to this?  [Hidden Content]
  14. Right On!!! Clinton was supported by blacks just as much or more than Obama!
  15. Dick only cares about himself and Haliburton![Hidden Content]
  16. Obama needs to get some war advice from DICK cheney
  17. First Bin laden, now this........
  18. Listen to one of your top leaders   [Hidden Content]
  19. Obama is also trying to put radio shack out of business!
  20. Do you remember the shape this country was in in 2007? Because that's the only reason Mr Obama exist as POTUS!
  21. If I wanted to be popular on this board, I would just bash Obama everyday and I would be a hero!
  22. It wouldn't matter what Big girl said if she would just agree with you guys. Lies don't matter on this board if someone is saying what you guys want to hear.
  23. Teabaggers whipping pubs is always good for dems.
  24. The audacity of someone to be a little liberal and a little conservative. Conservative is the only way on this board brother!
  25. They realize that the teabaggers will cause the end of the good ole boy establishment
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