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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. When Bill Clinton left office on Jan 20,2001 the debt was 5.278 trillion. When George W left office Jan 20, 2009 10.627 trillion with two wars in progress.
  2. didn't slick rick have his chance at a presidential run and failed miserably, I wonder why?
  3. Why don't you guys be honest with yourselves and come right on out with it like Sterling did!
  4. Clinton may have been impeached and disliked, but no racist remarks like the ones that Obama contends with......you guys know exactly what i am talking about......Denial is.....[Hidden Content]
  5. If Ben Carson was for and not against Obama, the Republicans would group him with Al Sharpton. Look at how they dropped Colin Powell like a hot potato! they promote any black that is against Obama, paster James David Manning was the opposite of rev wright and they loved manning rants. Any black that wants to win office can run on obama hatred and win!!!
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. Was this to harsh....[Hidden Content]
  8. I know how important it is to show compassion for those folks........
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. What makes you guys believe that every conservative is a christian? Like the two go together, I have heard some of the things that come out of the mouths of some conservatives and it's not christianity. (Liberals also, but they don't use the words liberal and christans together quite often).   [Hidden Content]
  11. Companys around here are more stable than 6 yrs ago, they are giving raises and hiring. And companys are not afraid to spend money like they were 6 yrs ago. Why is that Steve!
  12. Lakewood church has more followers than any church in the country, are they better than everyone else?
  13. Fox news ratings are high because it helps a losing party feel good about themselves and says things to justify the losing!
  14. Your definition of a successful news station is someone always telling you what you want to hear!
  15. Because Rush told him so!
  16. I must agree with you Steve, Fox serves up news that can't be found anywhere else!
  17. If fired from your job, would you still attend sensitivity training?
  18. I like Christie, I don't believe that the tea party can control him!
  19. You must not remember the state of the nation in 2007. Obama coud not have won if it wasn't for Bush.(And the election that he and Jeb stole from Al Gore in Florida)
  20. If Hillary wins in 2016, the republican party as we know it is over!
  21. Obama wants to take everyones guns, Obama is secretly a muslim, Obama is trying to get a 3rd term as president, Obama is trying to take over the world........the republican lie factory never shuts down.
  22. They watch fox news and listen to the likes of trash like Karl Rove!
  23. I guess gowdy is the latest republican hero, maybe he can recover the real birth certificate too!
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