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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton and Carter should join forces to keep President grab um from destroying this country.
  2. Who erects a statue for losers. The south lost the war. They were losers.
  3. If Kapernick kneeling for the national anthem was that bad. The north should have shoved a flag up Robert E Lees arse for terrorist acts against Americans.
  4. He can't straighten anyone or anything out. Hell he's a ex convict.
  5. I respect Kap way more than I do the Naacp or the president. Kap has spent his salory to help needy people. More than the Naacp or grab women by the p.
  6. So a year of Blm bothers you guys so much. But you have no problem with 100 years of the Wlm group. Have a problem with Kap disrespecting the flag. But no problem with the pos pres wiping his rear with it.
  7. Sherrif Joe should have been released in Chicago.
  8. We would have saved money if his parents would have used protection
  9. No, they can donate my share to build the wall over the mexican tunnel system.
  10. The Cowboys, Americas Team have not been to the superbowl in over 2 decades. KAEPERNICK has lead his team there!
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. while watching games during the national anthem, many folks are not standing for the national anthem
  13. Trump wasn't a conservative either, but he said that it would be easier for him to win as a conservative!
  14. Kaepernick was in the Super Bowl recently, dallas hasn't been in 22 years and houston oilers or texans never have
  15. Qualification for you guys to like blacks-conservative views. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Condi, Colin Powell(untill he changed his views) Clayton Bigsby
  16. Obama didn't disrespect his wife and kids. and we have trumps actions on tape, from his little mouth. Is Obama's one thing on tape? Everthing trump does wrong, your answer is Obama
  17. Those slave owners terrorized slave mon-sat and went to church on sunday
  18. Are you telling me that the slaves had wonderful lives in the US
  19. There has been anti black sentiment since they were brought here as slaves to do all of the work and fro the slave owners to rape and beat with whips. Lets not leave out , hang from trees. And burn their property. Domestic Terrorist.
  20. If you think racial upheaval started in 2008 you are dillusional
  21. Kap is being punished for protesting silently. Worse quarterbacks have been chosen by teams this year. If they have a need for him , ownership that is fair like the Rooney's would probably take him. hell, they took Vick and gave him a chance.
  22. I have seen quotes where you guys assume all blacks follow Sharpton and Jackson. thats why i accuse you of following Hannity and Fox News.
  23. We have affirmative action because the majority has never and never will be fair.
  24. Any politician can be successful in Texas period. Send Greg Abbott to detroit and see if anything changes!
  25. Racial upheaval in the United States started way before Obama was even born. Its just harder to get away with now with social media, 24hr news and cell phone cameras. Cops used to be able to kill innocent people and no one would ever know about it. The president of the united states is bullying, disrespecting people and telling lies everyday from his own electronic device
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