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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. As important as President Obama's birth certificate. He shouldn't have been senator without a birth certificate. #Grabumsignorance
  2. Slavery happened, get over it. Says the folks that can't let go of Colin Kapernick kneeling for the national anthem
  3. No, they won't their own beliefs only. Everyone else's beliefs are stupid
  4. Columbus means nothing and did nothing. Would not mess with his statue though because its not my property.
  5. Who did neo Nazis and kkk vote for. Which candidate would slave owners have voted for. Slave owners were domestic terrorist.
  6. Dont need any praise from people like you
  7. Obama has never been accused of not being born in the US either, before Trumps ignorance. Are accused of being a muslim. I would not want to be accused of being A Trump.
  8. The nazi outfit wearing, hate spewing kkk belong to Trump. Just like you guys throw muslims in with Obama.
  9. Trump had klan at his rally's and in his cabinet now. Hell he is probably a member!
  10. Trump is bringing the klan back bigger and bolder than ever. Probably already having colored entrance signs made for Wal greens back door!
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. Trump more worried about tbis down his people carrying torches and promoting violence. Largest hate group in the US backing this president. Including the six folks that live on this board 24/7. Everytime your answers are Obama and muslims. Keep defending if it makes you guys happy.
  14. You amd the other 5 people left on this board can keep defending these hateful evil folks.
  15. He was forced to denounce it.
  16. Keep defending your nazi friends.
  17. It took Trump two days to denounce the hate by an evil klansman. He was afraid to disappoint his base and his racist cabinet. Being advised by Steve Bannon and Jeff Sessions.....please. He would have tweeted on anyone else in 5 minutes. What a disgrace. He tweeted imediately on the ceo's that distanced themselves from his p grabbing arse.
  18. Were better than this. We cannot let the evil that this administration has empowered and has given new hope, destroy us. this administration has helped renew hate in america and has set us back 40 years. good people of all races will not stand for it. Last time this happened, there was a civil war and good people prevailed.
  19. [Hidden Content]
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  22. What has the black panthers done lately, watch a video from a blm rally and compare it to a kkk rally and see who hates people the most
  23. I'm proud to be me, and proud to have friends of all nationalities
  24. all over the US while running for president and some this year
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