Thats a lie, you don't voice your opinion against the klan, neo nazis, or Trump. just blm, obama and the clintons. Someone else has to bring it up. if someone says something negative about Trump, well Obama did.........negative comment about the klan, well blm did..........
Race relations were bad in the US before Obama was born. Trump has just made the klan feel comfortable again, they don't even wear hoods anymore to hide their faces. They are ready to start burning and lynching again. hell some of the top klansman are in trumps cabinet. Steve Bannon, Jeff sessions ect.....
And KKK membership has grown tremendously under Trump. The klan has even started back to doing more random acts of violence. Like David Duke said the other day, his people helped get trump elected.
If O would have said the same things that the present retard has said there would be turmoil. Just calling the white house a dump.......Vanessa lost her crown over nude pics, but for the wife of the preaent clown its ok.
Trump is everything I preach to kids to not be, a racist, bully, idiot, liar .......there are much better rich people in this world that give money to help people. The worst president ever. Let's kick his p grabbing arse out in 2020. If not sooner