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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. He is an idiot!
  2. This would be a good way to FIX it.
  3. The excuses for this jacka.....are amazing.
  4. Here's an interesting fact, while under republican governor leadership Barack Obama won the state of florida in 2008 and 2012. Hmmmm.......stats are a mutha.
  5. Im living here, getting paid. Just not proud of a bullying p grabbing president that this country put in office. But four years goes by fast.
  6. When has that ever happened. My ancestors were only terrorized by gun toting fake christian Americans
  7. You must not remember Kenneth Star!
  8. [Hidden Content] This is your freak of of a president
  9. Grab Um
  10. Jeff Bezos just became the worlds richest man. Bezos 2020. Show this p grabbing ignorant freak how a real rich man does it as a politician.
  11. We stopped the last almost bankruptcy in 2008
  12. Im still not proud.
  13. McCain asked congress to start working together. He said that folks needed to stopped listening to those loud mouth talk radio and TV show folks thats just out to draw a check. (Rush, Hannity Maddow ect..) And he said nothing had been accomplished this year except electing a supreme court justice, Trump say's otherwise.
  14. memory loss on this one
  15. Michelle wasn't so ugly that she had to buy a husband!
  16. Saw grab um on tv tonight. Good thing he's rich because he's one ugly........
  17. Does it hurt every time you pull Lois lerner out?
  18. Obama is retired, grab um is in charge. maybe he needs Rodman in his cabinet to handle this situation for him
  19. OJ wasn't charged with murder either!
  20. Trump has proved that Jerry Springer can be president
  21. maybe its just because kelly anne is stupid
  22. the post are not that important, why don't you run for city council or school board.
  23. Trump just doesn't seem to fit in the same category as the rich philanthropist Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Trump is a trash talking bully. He wasn't a bully before he hired security guards though!
  24. Watched a video the other day with presidents Clinton and Bush jr where they joke about the clown in the white house. None of the ex presidents respect the ugly grab um pos.
  25. [Hidden Content]
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