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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. View image on Twitter
  2. he is only guilty of lying and that is becoming the norm in this administration
  3. Thanks for putting sanctions on Russia, blocking the biggest oil deal in history between Rex Tillerson, Donald j Trump and Putin. But Trump and Putin are working on it. The next 4 years will make the Trump family 10 times richer than they are now. This corrupt cabinet will make the stealing that Dick Cheney did during his 8 years look petty.
  4. We have always had government paid healthcare, its called go to the emergency room and don't pay nothing. Then the hospital charges the patients with insurance and cash more to cover it.
  5. Team trump needs tp send his two sons if he wants to start a new republican war!
  6. If Jerry Springer ever retires Kelly Anne Conway would be a good replacement. She is hilarious, lies with a straight face and come up with the craziest sh.....one ignorant B. but she works out of the white house. saw her explaining alternative facts on tv today.
  7. Everytime a dam says something about grab in in the .......you guys bring up Obama and the Clinton's, so why can't i play by the same rules?
  8. The Russian collusion is not what trump is worried about. That's not why he's afraid to show those taxes!
  9. I work in a chemical plant. Chemical plant and refinery business has been soaring during Obama's tenure. Expansions and hiring for obamas last six years. Look up what was going on the last six years that the republicans held office!
  10. Its simple, I make a good salary and don't mind helping the elderly and the deserving poor.
  11. Rich folk like Buffet and Gates don't mind giving more in taxes. They are philanthropist anyway. Trump is no philanthropist!
  12. I have always respected women, even in the locker room. The president likes to bully and disrespect women and people.
  13. new tobie


    When the courts said that Zimmerman was innocent, we needed to listen to the courts, but with oj we shouldn't.
  14. new tobie


    The court system said that oj was innocent, just like it has for the cops. For the cops you side with the judicial system though.
  15. Its simple. I care about the elderly and poor and you care about the rich.
  16. You guys don't care about lower paid workers amd neither does trump. The lower paid workers at his companies are proof. Jeff Bezos offers low cost great benefits to his people. Grab um just fights his in court.
  17. Are you grouped in with the rich?
  18. Looking at grab ums business dealings could get interesting
  19. Politicians are worried about 2018 elections. They aren't worried aboit the aca. Worried about their own bank accounts and political ppwer.
  20. The president is scared shi....about the investigators looking at his. I wonder why? The president is looking at his pardoning powers.
  21. I spend more time watching the history channel and seeing how the American terrorist treated people.
  22. I put no importance to it either. Im fighting for the poor and elderly.
  23. Trump has been president since jan 17. The expansions and hiring has been going on for the last 5 or 6 years.
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