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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. You just don't want to hear anything unless its from hannity and rush
  2. You are just like grab um, thats why your in love with him
  3. The federal government always has and always will. Food stamps is a very small portion compared to the theft by politicians and corporations
  4. If I were you I would be!
  5. Hillary has done nothing for black people, and thats more than grab um has done.
  6. Your saying that the liberals on this board act like Trump? Because thats what he does, he is totally un presidential.
  7. new tobie


    OJ needs to take his 25,000 per month and keep his mouth shut.The court system granted him the same innocence that it has granted all of these cops that got away with murder.
  8. We people have lives other than this message board
  9. Yeah but Trumps policies didn't cause these jobs and expansions to happen
  10. Yes I think before I post. If I posted what you wanted to hear, you would have no problem. The president says some crazy arse sh.....and you have no complaints.
  11. Poor republicans are the majority. Poor republicans accept many government benefits and assistance. trump wants to cut these benefits that the poor count on to survive.
  12. Many plant expansions have happened and have started in the last 6 years. Hiring and chemical plants and refinery's have been consistent for the past 6 years. this didn't start six months ago.
  13. The poor are republican base are the ones needing government assistance the most, because they are the majority. The poor republicans are willing to cut benefits for poor minorities even if he hurts them.
  14. Are you suggesting that trump did something in six months to make this happen?
  15. Sessions said he's staying no matter what the Lying King says about him. Did I mention that the Lying King is a bully also.
  16. The chemical plant and refinery industry added more jobs from 2008 to 2016 than they have in a long time. before 2008 things were shakey. Not including all of the expansions announced between 2008 and 2016. Added way more than 1900 jobs.
  17. Mrs. Watters running for president is a bigger joke than Jessie Jackson, Herman Cain are Ben Carson running. Never voted for anyone just because of blackness. I have a friend that is infatuated with clowns and he still didn't vote for Trump.
  18. Megan received the Colin Powell treatment for conservatives.
  19. the few libs on this site are part time. The conservatives are full time.
  20. Bring Bill and hill into the conversation and ignore that little brat arse trump and his lying arse daddy
  21. I think she be listening to Eumomma
  22. Pray for President Jimmy Carter hospitalized with dehydration while working for habitat!
  23. The kkk has conditioned your brain. I mean conservative media. same thing
  24. Rush is a fat idiotic disgrace to society. Did i mention pill popping.
  25. I don't see one topic where republicans are complaining about republican actions. No complaints about Trump either and you know he has said some crazy sh...
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