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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. This administartion keeps late night television and all comedians in business.
  2. The last two elections were the same bro. The present prez has to win another to be in comparison. Not gonna happen!
  3. We never heard of fake news and alternative facts untill GU and the Bimbo Kellyanne
  5. Im not respecting the founding fathers just because, You didn't respect the office of the president just because.
  6. Barrack didn't have slaves and father kids out of wedlock. So yes he was better than some of the founding fathers.
  7. Time to feed your cats.
  8. [Hidden Content] No president has disrespected the office and people more than the grabber.
  9. Do you hear them talking about death panels and all the psychological crap your peeps came up with
  10. I glad the redskins kept their name. My favorite Nfl East team.
  11. The founding fathers sound so great. Thomas Jefferson outdone Bill Clinton by cheating on his wife and having kids with his mistress and owning people in general. Foundings fathers were just men. Nothing more.
  12. The founding fatherd sucked.
  13. Three ways to handle this situation is do whats best for the working class people. Republicans and Deocrats work together like we are paying them to do. Or repeal the ACA like Trump promised to do but I guess he used alternative facts to trick the fake news.
  14. How about fake news, snowflakes and prove to me that Trump lies. Trump is such a christian.
  15. Were you there as a witness!
  16. If I were banned what would I do with the rest of my life?
  17. I said Bill and Barrack could have beat the p. Grabber. (Just lockeroom talk)
  18. I hate the Dallas Cowboys and Dallas.
  19. Hillary could have beat GU if we were going by the person with the most votes wins. If Obama was running against Trump he probably would have won. Trump couldn't out debate him, he has had one wife. Even Bill didn't have the baggage that Hillary had. Hell, Joe Biden could have beat GU.
  20. I didn't need to be rich to get a beatiful women
  21. Im giving you all the same respect that Obama received
  22. [Hidden Content] Sean Insanity says he represents sanity.
  23. Yeah right! Thats not the judge that that fool needs to worry about.
  24. If you think I need to prove to you that grab um has lied.......he is a crotch grabbing, wife buying, liar.
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