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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. You only named McCain because he has went your peeps a couple of times.
  2. [Hidden Content] HYPOCRITES!
  3. I new grab um was a nut case when he said he would be with his daughter if she wasn't his daughter. And he descibes his wife and other women as a nice piece of arse. One sick man there.
  4. Slick Rick is a dumb arse!
  5. Trump should air his daily activities as president in a reality show. sure to be a hit!
  6. [Hidden Content] LIARS GONNA LIE!
  7. [Hidden Content] LIAR IN CHIEF!
  8. Paul Ryan, Bitch McConnell, Eye of Newt Gingrich.......
  9. I read it on this board. people acted like she did something wrong and she deserved it.
  10. John Kennedy was shot, was he a democrat or republican?
  11. open your eyes and use all of your brain
  12. I wish rehaticans would just repeal it all together. Would be great for the mid terms.
  13. Trump has created the most hateful environment of my lifetime. It was already here, he just let the racist know it was ok to come out. hell he put some of them in his cabinet.
  14. Im reading about violence in the local newspapers everyday Steve, and its blacks, whites and cops committing these acts of violence.
  15. I wish we could go back and see what was said when gabby Giffords was shot .
  16. Get over yourself! You do have the right to your opinion, and thats all your statement is.
  17. [Hidden Content] This list won't be believed by the Rehaticans! They will believe the one from the RIGHT WING NEWS!
  18. [Hidden Content]
  19. [Hidden Content]
  20. i have never seen a bigger group of liars than this current regiime. said he would replace the aca with a better plan from day one
  21. that statement is fine also. at least you admit the truth about the current folks
  22. He is already a liar. everyone in this administration is a liar.
  23. No, that makes you like him for now. Until he says something you don't like! Kinda like when republicans used to like Colin Powell.
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